#093, May 15, 2006

      Cruzio Newsletter - Number 93, May 15, 2006

1. This Thursday, May 18th: Brown Bag Workshop on Computer Security
2. Your Privacy at Cruzio
3. Recycle Your Unwanted Computer Equipment at Cruzio June 10th
4. $20 Discount, Free Diagnostic on Computer Tune-ups
5. Keep the Internet Weird: Net Neutrality
6. Moving?
7. Free Bilingual Web Design Basics Workshop
8. Women in Business Presentation
9. Low DSL Prices Available to All Cruzio Customers
10. Wednesday Workshops and Free Fridays in Watsonville
11. Buddy Bucks
12. Late Fees Waived if You Help Feed the Hungry
13. About This Newsletter
14. How to Reach Cruzio

1. This Thursday, May 18th: Brown Bag Workshop on Computer Security
	12-1:30 pm, $10.00, at Cruzio's store in downtown Santa Cruz

Cruzio knows a lot about network security. This Thursday, experienced
Internet Security gurus (and beloved Cruzio Technical Support staffers)
Stephen and Mike will give a low-cost workshop explaining the basics
to beginners. They'll cover topics like viruses, worms, spam, and
firewalls. They'll tell you how to recognize a virus, how to
recover from one, and how to prevent future infections. Questions
are welcome. Sign up for this popular workshop at:

2. Your Privacy at Cruzio
Lately, privacy has been in the news. We'd like to tell you where
Cruzio stands on this issue.

Cruzio doesn't sell information about our users or what they read.
We collect minimal, anonymous information such as how many times
our Web pages are viewed; we don't save this information or use
it beyond creating a better Web site.

Outside of what's necessary to set up service, we don't provide
information about our users to anyone unless we are legally
required to do so. That means a court order.

We are very interested in upholding the law and protecting 
people from scammers and predators. We believe that can best
be done with the involvement of the courts.

For more details, see our Security and Privacy page:

3. Recycle Your Unwanted Computer Equipment at Cruzio June 10th
One problem with the computer industry is that equipment becomes
obsolete so quickly, leaving us with once-impressive machines that
clog our closets and attics.

On Saturday, June 10th, Cruzio will work with Grey Bears
to recycle (we call it E-cycle) old computer equipment free of
charge. Dropoffs can be made at either Cruzio store, in Santa Cruz
or Watsonville, between 10 am and 2 pm, and both Cruzio customers
and non-customers can participate. 

The computers will be recycled by Grey Bears to help support their
Brown Bag lunch program that feeds 2,200 seniors monthly. E-Cycle @
Cruzio day is an easy, convenient way to safely dispose of unneeded
computers while supporting local seniors -- a happy combination.
Many thanks to our Marketing department for putting this program

4. $20 Discount, Free Diagnostic on Computer Tune-ups
Worried about viruses, popups, or adware? At Cruzio, we've
made a specialty of keeping our our own busy network clean and
our computers running smoothly. It's something every computer owner
should take care of, but not everyone has the time or the expertise.
So we offer this service in our Santa Cruz store at affordable prices.

If your computer is running slow, or if you're concerned about
security, bring it in to our experienced technical staff for a
free 15-minute diagnostic. We'll tell you what we think is up
and help you solve the problem. If necessary, we may recommend
service, which just takes a couple of days. And Cruzio customers
get $20 off our most popular services.

To schedule your free diagnostic, please call us at 459-6301
and select option 4. For more information, please see our Web page
at http://www.cruzio.com/services/tech_services/ 

5. Keep the Internet Weird: Net Neutrality
The Internet has revolutionized communication. No doubt about it.
Any John or Jane Doe can post on the Internet to express their 
thoughts or display their wares. The cost of publishing is low;
the cost of reading is low, and there's a vast variety of Web
sites in ever-new formats.

At Cruzio, we provide our users with the ability to read anything
on the Web and to write anything they like, just so long as they
don't break any laws. That's called net neutrality.

Net neutrality means that carriers like Cruzio should continue to let
Internet sites get to your computer without favoritism or, worse,
censorship. Without net neutrality, Internet access providers
could charge some Web sites for accessibility. You wouldn't be able
to get some sites as fast as others. Perhaps you wouldn't be able to
get some some sites at all. That would significantly change the way
the Internet works.

Under net neutrality, Internet providers and telecomm companies have
flourished. Web-based businesses such as Google, Ebay and MySpace have
emerged from small beginnings to capture wide public acceptance.

But after years of telecomm consolidation and deregulation, the era of
open, neutral access to the Web may come to a close. The big
telecommunications companies may simply have enough clout to change
the way the Internet is set up so they can favor their own corporate

Some people say consumers will never stand for corporate-controlled
access to Web sites; that any such attempt will "spur outrage." That
remains to be seen.

Currently, large telecommunications companies are pushing Congress to
pass the "COPE" act -- H.R. 5252. It is slated to come up for a vote soon,
with little public fanfare and much corporate backing. Advocates of net
neutrality say this bill is a threat. You might want to learn about it
and express your opinion to your representative on the subject. For more
information, here are some useful sites:

6. Moving?
If you're moving your home or office, please contact Cruzio.
We're here to help the Internet portion of your move go smoothly.

Many of our services will simply move with you: your email
address and Web site are housed on Cruzio's servers and 
will stay there, waiting for you to access them from your new
location. Cruzio dialup access is available via toll-free
numbers all over the United States; you only have to change
a setting on your computer if you move outside Santa Cruz 
County. No change is required if you move within county lines --
just inform us of your new address.

But moving DSL service from one location to another is a little
more complicated. DSL requires that both sides of a circuit
are programmed with your location and phone number, so we have
to get your new information into our database well ahead of time.
Also, to avoid an early termination fee, the phone company has to
know that you are continuing your account. Cruzio will take care
of all the details. It's best if you inform us at least two weeks
in advance. If you're planning to move, please check our Web page:

7. Free Bilingual Web Design Basics Workshop
	Saturday, June 3rd, from 1:30 to 2:30 pm
	At Cruzio's Downtown Watsonville Store, 23 E. Beach Street,
		Suite 105, Plaza Vigil
Want to learn how to design your first Web site and communicate with
your family on the Internet? Come to Cruzio's FREE Web Design Basics
workshop taught by our friendly staff and learn the basics of
building your own Web site. This workshop is designed for beginners.
No registration necessary. Instruction will be given in both English
and Spanish. For more details, visit http://www.micruzio.com or call

8. Women in Business Presentation
Cruzio has long been a supporter of the Santa Cruz Area Chamber of 
Commerce's Women in Business group. On Wednesday, May 17th, Cruzio
will participate in the annual Women in Business Extravaganza
at the Santa Cruz Coast Hotel: "Women's Voices, Women's Visions."
Cruzio's dynamic Marketing Director, Kathy Bisbee, will be making a
presentation on "Demystifying E-Strategies" from 3 to 4 pm. Come
to the session and learn how to develop a personal or professional
Web strategy including marketing, building, and maintaining a Web site.
You can read more and sign up for the Extravaganza at the Chamber of
Commerce site:

9. Low DSL Prices Available to All Cruzio Customers
Just another reminder that during our current special, all Cruzio DSL
customers are eligible for our low sale price. Just commit to a new
12-month term and you'll pay the same low price as a new customer.
for more information, and
to sign up for a new term, or to extend your current term.

10. Wednesday Workshops and Free Fridays in Watsonville
Every Friday until June 12th, 2006, computer rentals are free of
charge for high-school or college students at our Watsonville store.

And every Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 6 pm, you are welcome to visit
Gershom in Cruzio's downtown Watsonville store for a free workshop.
He'll be discussing various Internet and computer topics, and will answer
questions. As a bonus, attendees receive 2.5 hours of free computer
rental time!

These rentals and workshops are both at Cruzio's Watsonville store,
23 E. Beach Street, Suite 105, Plaza Vigil, Downtown Watsonville. 

11. Buddy Bucks
Recommend us to friends, family, colleagues: if a new customer
gives us your email address, registration number, or full name when
they sign up you'll get $10 credit to your account. If two friends
sign up, $20. Three friends, $30. It just goes on and on. 

12. Late Fees Waived if You Help Feed the Hungry
If you're late on a payment to Cruzio, turn it into a donation
to hungry folks in our community. We will waive your late
fee if you bring 3 cans into our office for our Second Harvest
Food Bank barrel. Learn more about this charity at

13. About This Newsletter
Cruzio doesn't like to waste bandwidth with extra email, but we sometimes
have events and announcements that users need to know about. This seems
like the most efficient way to let people know what's happening. Hope
it's helpful. Please email support@cruzio.com with any comments or questions. 
By the way, we would love to have a regular, predictable schedule
for this newsletter...but we simply do not send it unless there is real
news enclosed. Thus the haphazard datelines.

14. How to Reach Cruzio (dial-in or tech support)
To reach the Cruzio Information Center, for online technical and
sales information:

To dial in to Cruzio, set your software to dial one of the numbers
below (note: we've expanded and joined modem pools, so you may be 
using another number. If so, don't worry, it still works just fine).

   Dialup (in Santa Cruz County): 459-9408

   Nationwide Dialup: Look up local number on our Web page:
   or call Cruzio toll free, 1.800.303.3302

To call Cruzio:
         459-6301............Use this number to check Cruzio's system status,
            pay your Cruzio bill, find out more about our hours and location,
            or to reach someone in customer service and technical support.
         722-6200 .......... Cruzio's number in Watsonville.

To make an appointment for computer care and virus removal:
	459-6301 press option 4

To send email to Cruzio, use one of these addresses:
   	support@cruzio.com ......for technical support
	office@cruzio.com .......for billing and ordering information

Cruzio's locations:
	Santa Cruz: 903 Pacific Avenue, Suite 101, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
	Watsonville: Plaza Vigil, 23 E. Beach Street, Watsonville, CA 95076
Cruzio's hours:
	Sales hours: 10am-6pm, Monday through Friday; 10 am - 2 pm Saturday
	Technical support: 8am to 6pm, Mon to Fri, 10am - 2pm Saturday
	System monitoring, including customer-alerted emergencies, 24 hours
		per day, 365 days per year (leap years, 366 days)

Thanks very much from Cruzio:
	Chris, Peggy, Julianne, Kathy, Mark, Stephen, Paul, Gershom,
	Jessi, Michael, Maria, James, Juana, Krissie, Nikkie, Mike,
	Don, Bruce, Edgar, Brian, Westi, Andrew, Jaime, another Chris,
	yet another Chris, Nancy, Melissa, and Reema;
	Cindy and Francisco, our enthusiastic interns;
	Jake, Annika, and Carly (the kids)

Annika's Alphabet Primer
Annika, age 11, was asked to write an alphabet primer. As an example,
the teacher gave them
	A: "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away."
Here are some of the aphorisms Annika and her friend Erin wrote:

C: "Beware of feeding Cantelopes to a hungry herd of antelopes."
M: "Use your Manners; don't result to being rude to an adult."
O: "Oranges are a citrus fruit; unlike carrots they aren't a root."
Q: "Quiet children are the best when other people are trying to rest."
U: "Do not Utter an awful word, for you don't know if you'll be heard."
V: "If you bring Vitamin C, you won't get scurvy out at sea."