Cruzio Newsletter - Number 100 (!), January 9, 2007 1. Jan 23: Hands-on Class: "One Night Web Site" 2. This Saturday: Recycle Your Electronics at Cruzio's E-Cycle Day 3. Evil Bots Suffer Holiday Setbacks 4. Jan 18: Learn How To Blog at Our Brown Bag Workshop 5. Second Harvest Donations 6. How to Filter Your Email 7. Jan 31: Consultants Meeting 8. Top Five of 2006 9. Watsonville Workshops & Classes 10. Buddy Bucks 11. Moving? 12. About This Newsletter 13. How to Reach Cruzio (Dial-in or Tech Support) 1. Jan 23 Hands-on Class: "One Night Web Site" Cruzio's Hands-On Class Series Presents: One Night Web Site Tuesday January 23, 5-7:30 PM $199 903 Pacific Avenue, Downtown Santa Cruz A class so elemental it can be summed up in four words. When you come in that evening, you don't have a Web site. When you leave you have a site. Or if you've currently got a site that's outdated or inadequate, by the time you leave you'll have a replacement. There's no better way to learn technology than by doing the task with an instructor providing guidance at every step. Seats in this class are extremely limited: we feel we can give hands-on help best if there are 2 instructors for a class of 8 people or fewer. Compare this to classes over the hill, packed with dozens of people and only one instructor, which cost hundreds more dollars. Cruzio's class is geared for your success and we guarantee that you will have a functioning Web site by the end of the class. Not only is our instructional method more personal, we're also teaching the latest Web technology. Joomla is a Content Management System favored by next-generation site designers. Because we're teaching an advanced technology, this class is helpful to Web designers as well as small businesses and hobbyists. To enroll, you'll need Website Plus or Premium, hosted on Cruzio's new Web servers. If you're not currently hosted with Cruzio or not sure, sign up online or call Customer Service at 459-6301 option 2 to find out how to move your site over to Cruzio. For more information or to register, please visit Register early! Seats in our classes often fill up. 2. This Saturday: Recycle Your Electronics at Cruzio's E-Cycle Day Saturday January 13, 9 AM-4 PM 903 Pacific Avenue, Downtown Santa Cruz Supporting HOPE Services We love new computers. But every new computer eventually becomes an old computer cluttering the closet or garage. We want to dispose of equipment properly, as it contains toxic materials. Also, it would be great if we could benefit some worthy cause in the disposal process. Wish granted: Cruzio has found a convenient way to clear your living and working spaces of obsolete electronics like computers, printers, microwaves, and TVs. Just bring them to our E-cycle day this Saturday, January 13th, in downtown Santa Cruz. We'll have drop-off parking in front of the store. Not only is the service free, it benefits HOPE services (to learn more about HOPE, see ). For more information, visit 3. Evil Bots Suffer Holiday Setbacks This will sound like a poorly written sci-fi movie, but it's fact: the spam you see these days is generated by armies of zombified computers called "botnets." Each zombie is called a "bot." Your own computer might be a bot -- it's hard to tell. Computers are almost certain to get infected if they're not protected. Because an infected computer runs all its regular programs while quietly obeying the commands of a far-off mothership (yes, mothership is the technical term), you may not notice the infection. Bot net activity across the Internet decreased sharply the night before Christmas, largely due to people replacing their slow (and infected) old computers with nice shiny new Christmas presents that haven't been infected yet. So in a sense, Christmas defeated the bot armies, at least temporarily. Two thoughts: Thought #1: If you have a new computer, install anti-virus software now. Don't let your new machine be zombified. Cruzio has instructions on how to protect your computer at or make an appointment, and for a reasonable fee (Cruzio customers $20 off) we'll install protective software and clean out viruses for you. Thought #2: The old computers are still infected, they're just not currently active on the Internet. Before you pass that old computer along, whether by selling it or giving it away, why not clean it up first? If it's going to be re-used why not have the operating system re-installed, for a fresh start? Do it yourself or let Cruzio do it: To sum up: please help Cruzio curb spam and viruses by protecting and updating your computer. By the way, if you were hoping for a new computer for Christmas but were disappointed, remember you can make your old computer run like new by bringing it in for a tune-up: 4. Jan 18: Learn How To Blog at Our Brown Bag Workshop Cruzio's Brown Bag Workshop Series Presents: Blogging with WordPress Thursday January 18, 12-1:30 PM, $10 903 Pacific Avenue, Downtown Santa Cruz If your friends or business associates ask "do you have a blog," what will you say? Save yourself the embarrassment of stammering that you would have a blog, really, if you just had time, by letting Cruzio show you how to create one in a few easy steps. Cruzio's latest Web hosting packages include several choices of free blogging software. Our favorite, "Wordpress," is one of the most popular on the Internet. Crackerjack instructors Jessi and Mike, who have both blogged extensively, will explain the concepts and show you the software in this low-cost lunchtime workshop. Register at or call 459-6301 ext 231. Bring your own lunch or order one for an extra $7 when you register online. Welcome to the blogosphere! 5. Second Harvest Donations Once again, thanks to the extraordinary generosity of Cruzio's members, Cruzio donated 100% of available matching funds to the Second Harvest Food Bank, which feeds needy people in our area. In fact, this year Cruzio was again inspired to increase our matching amount when customer donations topped expectations. Many thanks! Remember that you can always donate to the Food Bank at Cruzio's stores (Watsonville and Santa Cruz) and, if you are late on a payment, we will waive the late fee if you bring in three cans for our food barrel. For more information on the Food Bank, see 6. How to Filter Your Email Hate spam? Cruzio's email filters are effective and we update them frequently. It's your best weapon in the war against spam and viruses. Find detailed instructions for using the filters here: 7. Jan 31: Consultants Meeting January 31st, 12-1:30 pm. Lunch provided by Cruzio. At El Pajaro CDC, 23 East Beach Street, Plaza Vigil, downtown Watsonville. Cruzio offers services and training to help Web designers and computer consultants get more mileage from their services. We can help you with great values and packages, and we can fill in gaps where you might not have our expertise. At this meeting, Cruzio technical lead Mike Brogan will give an overview of our services, answer questions, and everyone will get an opportunity to meet one another. Register to attend by sending email to 8. Top Five of 2006 In the spirit of High Fidelity (the book and the movie) we'd like to offer Cruzio's picks for the top five Cruzio/Internet events of 2006: Number 5. Cyberhub Expansion You can't go far in Santa Cruz County without encountering a coffee shop, laundromat, or other hangout with a Cruzio banner displayed. At such locations you can bring your laptop and get free Internet. We provide these hot spots as a value-added service to our customers and our community. For a more information and a map, see Number 4. Net Neutrality Advances Thank goodness, some small protection was extended in the area of Net Neutrality at the end of 2006. Despite heavy lobbying by telecommunications giants, Congress tabled a bill which would have enabled them to create tiered delivery systems. Also, AT&T agreed to follow Net Neutrality principals for two years as a condition of its merger with BellSouth. Net neutrality requires carriers to deliver all Internet data at the same speed -- not to favor corporate partners with faster service. This is the environment in which the Internet has thrived up until now, and it is vitally important to small businesses, bloggers -- anyone who communicates outside the megacorporate mainstream. For more information, see Number 3. Hands-On Classes How can you use what you don't understand? As the capabilities of the Internet explode, people need some guidance and instruction to make the most of it. Cruzio has always included an education component with our technology and we have a staff of helpful, experienced teachers. We taught our first "hands-on" class last year and got rave reviews. We think that sitting at the computer, actually using the software, with a teacher's help and guidance is a great way to learn. Number 2. The Increase in Spam and Cruzio's Response Spammers hit the Internet hard last year. Cruzio fought back. We intensified our pursuit of suspected zombies on our network (many thanks to Andrew, who notifies owners of zombified computers), we tightened our spam filters, we doubled the amount of computer power devoted to extricating spam and we helped scores of customers protect data on their individual computers. To help us fight spam and viruses, keep your computer protected. For information on how, see Number 1. Launch of Website Features Not only do new Cruzio Web customers get gigabytes of email and Web space, but they can also install the latest software free of charge: blogs, photo galleries, surveys, polls, CMS's, Sitebuilder, wikis and much more. For the full list, see: It's a whole candy store's worth of options for our customers. This is just part of a wave of new technology all around the Internet called "Web 2.0" which makes sites more interactive and publishing much easier. And that's our 2006 Top Five! We can only imagine what will happen in 2007. We are in a fast-moving business: it never gets boring. 9. Watsonville Workshops & Classes Please come to our downtown Watsonville location any or every Wednesday afternoon between 3 and 6 pm if you have questions about the Internet. Store manager -- and new papa! -- Gershom generally discusses basic computer operations, how to set up your email, and how to browse the Web. These workshops are free of charge and there's no registration necessary. Gershom also teaches a popular series of beginning Internet classes, perfect for people who feel a little left out of the Internet revolution. We'll be starting up those classes again in February and March: watch this space or go to for news. 10. Buddy Bucks Recommend us to friends, family, colleagues: if a new customer gives us your email address, registration number, or full name when they sign up you'll get $10 credit to your account. If two friends sign up, $20. Three friends, $30. It just goes on and on. 11. Moving? If you are moving your home or office, please contact Cruzio. We're here to help the Internet portion of your move go smoothly. It's best to let us know several weeks ahead of time, especially if you have DSL or if you're canceling a phone line. We can often save you from an interruption in Internet service and prevent costly fees -- but you've got to let us know. For more information, please see 12. About This Newsletter Cruzio doesn't like to waste bandwidth with extra email, but we sometimes have events and announcements that users need to know about. This seems like the most efficient way to let people know what's happening. Hope it's helpful. Please email with any comments or questions. By the way, we would love to have a regular, predictable schedule for this newsletter...but we simply do not send it unless there is real news enclosed. Thus the haphazard datelines. 13. How to Reach Cruzio (dial-in or tech support) To reach the Cruzio Information Center, for online technical and sales information: To dial in to Cruzio, set your software to dial one of the numbers below (note: we've expanded and joined modem pools, so you may be using another number. If so, don't worry, it still works just fine). Dialup (in Santa Cruz County): 459-9408 Nationwide Dialup: Look up local number on our Web page: or call Cruzio toll free, 1.800.303.3302 To call Cruzio: 459-6301............Use this number to check Cruzio's system status, pay your Cruzio bill, find out more about our hours and location, or to reach someone in customer service and technical support. 722-6200 .......... Cruzio's number in Watsonville. To send email to Cruzio, use one of these addresses: ......for technical support .......for billing and ordering information Cruzio's locations: Santa Cruz: 903 Pacific Avenue, Suite 101, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Watsonville: Plaza Vigil, 23 E. Beach Street, Watsonville, CA 95076 Cruzio's hours: Sales hours: 10am-6pm, Monday through Friday; 10 am - 2 pm Saturday Technical support: 8am to 6pm, Mon to Fri, 10am - 2pm Saturday System monitoring, including customer-alerted emergencies, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year (leap years, 366 days) Thanks very much from Cruzio: Chris, Peggy, Julianne, Mark, Stephen, Paul, Gershom, Jessi, Michael, James, Juana, Krissie, Nikkie, Mike, Don, Bruce, Edgar, Brian, Westi, Andrew, Jaime, another Chris, yet another Chris, Reema, and Diana; our awesome interns, Christi, Kristi, and Edi; Jake, Annika, and Carly (the kids) Many congratulations to Watsonville Store Managers Gershom Toriz and his wife, Connie: they have a beautiful new baby boy! Carly: What kind of car would you like, Mom? Mom: I think I would choose a Prius. Carly: I would like a hovercraft full of kittens.