David Terrazas, Zach Friend, and Lowell Hurst support Net Neutrality

Mayors David Terrazas and Lowell Hurst and County Supervisor Zach Friend are strong supporters of Net Neutrality

When it comes to Net Neutrality, two local mayors and a county supervisor are among our nation’s leaders.

These Mayors Support Net Neutrality

Santa Cruz Mayor David Terrazas and Watsonville Mayor Lowell Hurst are early signers to a pledge requiring internet providers who do business with their cities to adhere to Net Neutrality principles.

Why’s the pledge needed? Because a protracted fight in Washington has Net Neutrality on the ropes. It looks as though Congress may not muster the needed votes to reverse the FCC’s pro-lobbyist decision repealing Net Neutrality — though we can still try to apply pressure.

Since the repeal of Net Neutrality isn’t fully processed yet, every ISP is presumably net-neutral right now. What this pledge does is to say, if an ISP starts pulling shenanigans, and slowing some websites or apps down in favor of others, there will be a price to pay.

The mayors’ strategy: If we can’t fight the enormous lobbying money of big telecom providers in Washington — and it appears we can’t — we can use local spending to keep the internet honest.

Plus a County Supervisor…

And look who else has signed on — the only non-mayor in the entire list of dozens of mayors nationwide —  Zach Friend, the County Supervisor from Santa Cruz County’s Second District! Congratulations to Aptos, La Selva Beach, Seacliff, Rio Del Mar, and the rest of Zach’s constituents, who are lucky enough to have a supervisor who cares about an open and fair internet for all of you.

Cruzio Internet is a big supporter of Net Neutrality and privacy protection on the internet. Our employees and customers live all over Santa Cruz County.

We hear from friends in government offices that lobbyists from big telecommunications companies call them constantly. It can be tough to stand up. And these folks are. We’re proud of them.