Now that Cruzio’s staff is mostly working from home, we get to meet each other’s pets as we videoconference. Here’s a sampling of pet photos from our non-human-wfh-officemates channel:
Sometimes we barely realize they’re there
Cam’s spherical cat
Peggy’s spherical cat
Jesus’s pup is tuckered out
Though they might cop an attitude
Do not mess with Ocean
Because cats and cabbages
My office mate refuses to talk to me
Aw man, almost Monday
What are you doing here?
Other times they seem to think they could be doing the job better, frankly, than we seem to. And maybe they’re right…
Taxidermist monitors the power tools
If Mark forgets to close the door, Jasper wants equal time
Milton & Molly not interested in discussing James using the kitchen table today
Oh you think you’re gonna use the computer?
Well so will I. TO TAKE A BATH.
Ziggy is stoked to videoconference
Fulton enjoys working from home
Bent to tie my shoe and I am now Milton’s ergonomic workstation
Iasha’s cat plays fetch and keeps bringing her toys
But you know, when we look up from a long day’s work at home, it’s nice to see that friendly non-human officemate’s face…
Something special about walking down the hall and seeing your dog sitting there dressed in a Hawaiian shirt