Here’s a good way to tell whether an email is fake or not. We’ll use a real example of someone using a fake Cruzio email to try to trick you.

Usually you’ll get an email that looks like it’s from a trusted business or a friend. In your mailbox, it looks like the first screen shot below.

But if you hover your cursor over the “from” address — in this case, “Cruzio Internet” — you’ll see something like the second picture. The email isn’t really from Cruzio. It’s from “”.

So ignore that email, or send it to us! We collect these, and we report them. Other ISPs do the same. Usually by the time you see email like this, we’ve already gotten the site taken down.

But just to be sure: check the details, and if you have any doubts at all, contact us!

Looks like this email is from Cruzio:
Example of a scam email

Hover over the sender… that’s not a address! Delete the email!

Example of a scam email

This works with any spam. It’s not 100% — sophisticated hackers can spoof email addresses — but that’s hard to do. You’ll catch most phishing with this trick