
The Santa Cruz Longboard Union (SCLU) takes the victory at the 38th Annual Memorial Day Club Invitational, held at Steamer Lane over Memorial Day weekend!

The Union’s Nohemi Kawasaki triumphed in the Women’s age 20-29 category, while Aylana Zanville dominated the Masters Women’s age 40-49 division. Chase Larue secured victory in the Senior Men’s 30-39 age group, followed by Matt Collins in the Masters Men’s 40-49 age group. Frosty Hesson excelled in the Grand Legends 70 and older category, and Leechy Surfboards emerged victorious in the Shapers division. Their collective efforts led to the club’s impressive total of 2,300 points!

This event is more than just a surf contest; it’s a symbol of community spirit and support for local nonprofits benefiting children. As the longest-running longboard contest in the US, it brings together surf enthusiasts from far and wide to enjoy the thrill of the waves while contributing to a worthy cause. This year, Cruzio was honored to provide free WiFi connectivity throughout the event, ensuring that the judges booth ran smoothly and that organizers & attendees could stream the contest and share their experiences in real-time, further amplifying the event’s reach and impact.Cruzio Installation

At Cruzio, we understand the importance of supporting events that unite our community and make a positive difference. By contributing our services to the 38th Annual Memorial Day Club Invitational, we enhanced the overall experience for attendees while also playing a part in the larger effort to support local nonprofits. We are proud to have contributed to another successful year of the Invitational, and are reminded of the power of coming together to make a difference. Cruzio looks forward to continuing our support for future events that uplift and enrich our community.

“Thanks for being a sponsor of the 38th annual Memorial Club Invitational surf contest. Your whole crew was EPIC. Our team was stoked at how easy you made it for us! The Wifi was flawless!!”  -SCLU