File Permissions for Joomla Users

This help page is for Joomla users who understand what file permissions are and the need to change them. Under no circumstances should you try to change permissions if you are not aware of any reason why they should be changed.

Why you may need to change file permissions when using Joomla

Joomla automatically designates who can access its folders. Usually the designation is correct, but some Joomla modules may not work under the default permissions.

For these modules, their permissions are most likely set to 755, which means that the Apache server can read, write, and execute, but the owner of the domain and others are only able to read and execute.

In order to allow the owner of the domain to edit a folder, change the permissions to 775.

How to change the file permissions

  1. Go to and enter your domain name, then select “Control Panel” and click “Go”. Then log in with your admin username and password.
  2. Click on the domain whose file permissions you want to change. If you are on host 6 or 7, this can be accessed by first clicking Domains under the Main Menu in the upper left hand corner.

    If you do not know what host number you are on, after you log into your control panel, look at the URL at the top of your browser. You will see it start with https://host followed by a number. That is the host number you are on.

  3. If you are on host 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, click the File Manager icon in the Hosting section. If you are on host 6 or 7, click the File Manager icon in the Files section.
  4. Next, locate the file or directory you wish to change the permissions for. Please note that the directory httpdocs is the main public directory for your website, so there is a good chance it will be in there.
  5. Once you have located the file or directory, find the Permissions column.

    The permissions are represented as three sets of symbols, for example, rwx r-x r-x. The first set is the Owner set, and this says what the Apache server can do with the file. The second set is the Group set, and dictates what both the Apache server and the owner of the domain name (you) can do with the file. The third set is the Others set, and determines what everyone else (such as users visiting your website) can do with it.

    Click the Permissions link to the right of your file or directory.

  6. Here you can designate who can access the folder and who cannot. To set permissions to 775 as described above, check the following boxes:

    Owner: Read mode, Write mode, Execute/search mode
    Group: Read mode, Write mode, Execute/search mode
    Others: Read mode, Execute/search mode

    Click “OK” to save changes.