How to put ShopSite page links in custom order

ShopSite makes it easy to link your store pages to each other. However, there’s no simple way to put those page links in the order you prefer. If you take the time to follow the procedure below, though, you can order your page links however you like.

The instructions below assume you have ShopSite Manager or Pro. If you only have Starter, you don’t have the PowerEdit tool, so you’ll need to change settings for each individual page, one at a time.

1. Log into your ShopSite control panel and go to Pages. Select all your pages and click PowerEdit.

2. In the Information box, select Link Name. Below, select Individual. Click Proceed.

3. Give each page a Link Name that is the text you want to appear in the page link. Save Changes.

4. Select all pages and click PowerEdit. In the Information box, select Name. Below, select Individual. Click Proceed.

5. Give each page a Name that starts with a number. I suggest names like “1: books” and “2: cds” etc. etc. (You may even want to number by 10’s or 100’s so that you can insert other pages between them in the future.) Of course, number them in the order you want the links to display. Save changes.

6. Select all pages and click PowerEdit. In the Layout box, select Display Name? Below, select Global. Click Proceed.

7. Uncheck the Name Toggle. Save Changes.

8. Select all pages and click PowerEdit. In the Layout box, select Order. Below, select Global. Click Proceed.

9. Set Order to Ascending. Save Changes.

10. Select all pages and click PowerEdit. In the Layout box, select Pages Sort Field. Below, select Global. Click Proceed.

11. Set the Page Sort Field to Name. Save Changes.

What you’ve just done is given each page a “behind-the-scenes” name that is not displayed on the page, but controls where the link to that page shows up in the list of links.