Using SSH with your domain

What is SSH?

Secure Shell or SSH is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices. SSH was designed as a replacement for Telnet and other insecure remote shells, which send information, notably passwords, in plaintext, leaving them open for interception. The encryption used by SSH provides confidentiality and integrity of data over an insecure network.

Who can use SSH?

Members on our Website Hosting services can use SSH. We recommend that you only use SSH if you already have knowledge of UNIX.

Customers on our Classic hosting plan cannot use SSH.

If you have Website Hosting and would like to use SSH, please contact Cruzio and ask us to activate SSH for your domain.

How do I access my domain through SSH?

Be sure you back up your website before making any changes you can not easily recover from.

In order to view files, you need to use the same FTP login and password as your Administration login and password. You cannot use different FTP and Administration logins and passwords. When logging in, use the following command:


…replacing adminlogin with your administration login and with your domain name. When the server asks for a password, enter your FTP password.

Recommended SSH clients:

Windows: Putty
Mac OS X: Terminal (included in Mac OS X, in the Utilities folder)

What commands can I run?

If you would like to use a command that’s not listed here, please send us your suggestions.

Supported commands

clearClears the screen

Navigating in UNIX
pwd Shows the full path of the current directory
ls Lists all the files in the current directory
ls -al Lists all files and information
ls –alR Lists all files and information in all subdirectories
ls -alR | more Same as ls –alR, pausing when screen becomes full
ls -alR > filename.txt Same as ls –alR, outputs the results to a file
ls *.html Lists all files ending with .html
cd [directory name] Changes to a new directory
cd .. Changes to directory above current one
vdir Gives a more detailed listing than the “ls” command
exit Log off your shell


Moving, Copying and Deleting Files
mv [old filename] [new filename] Move/rename a file
cp [filename] [new filename] Copies a file
rm [filename] Deletes a file
rm * Deletes all files in current directory
rm *.html Deletes all files ending in .html


mkdir [directory name]Creates a new directory

Creating, Moving, Copying and Deleting Directories
ls -d */ Lists all directories within current directory
cp -r [directory] [new directory] Copies a directory and all files/directories in it


find . -name [filename] -printSearches for a file starting with current directory

Searching Files and Directories
grep [text] [filename] Searches for text within a file


0 = —No permission

File and Directory Permissions
1 = –X Execute only
2 = -W- Write only
3 = -WX Write and execute
4 = R– Read only
5 = R-X Read and execute
6 = RW- Read and write
7 = RWX Read, write and execute
chmod 604 [filename] Minimum permissions for HTML file
chmod 705 [directory name] Minimum permissions for directories
chmod 755 [filename] Minimum permissions for scripts & programs
chmod 606 [filename] Permissions for data files used by scripts
chmod 703 [directory name] Write-only permissions for public FTP uploading