Web Statistics for your Domain

This help page explains how to access, configure, and navigate your Web Statistics for your Cruzio hosted domain. This information applies to Website Hosting services. If you purchased Web and domain hosting with Cruzio after July 2006, you likely have a Website Hosting services. Otherwise, you may have a Classic domain.

How do I access my Web statistics?

  1. Log in to your domain control panel at http://login.cruzio.com. You may need to log in twice.
  2. Select the domain you want to configure the web stats for. If your Cruzio domain is on host 6 or above, you’ll find it by going to the Main Menu on the upper left and clicking Domains.

    If you do not know what host number your domain is on, after you log into your control panel, look at the address (URL) at the top of your browser. You will see it start with https://host followed by a number. That number is your domain’s host number.

  3. For hosts 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, look under the Domains section and click the Report icon. Then in the Tools section, click the Web Stats icon.

    For hosts 6 or 7, look under the Statistics section and click the Web Statistics icon.

  4. This will open up a second window that may:

    a) ask you to create an exception for a security certificate, and
    b) ask you to log in again using your admin username and password. These are the same you used before for logging into the control panel.

    This page will give you plenty of statistics for your domain.

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How do I change the way my Web statistics are presented?

How the Web statistics are presented varies depending on which service you are using to manage them. We offer two services: AWStats and Webalizer. To change between them:

  1. Log in to your domain control panel at http://login.cruzio.com. You may need to log in twice.
  2. Select the domain you want to configure the Web stats for. If your domain is on host 6 or above, you’ll find it by going to the Main Menu on the upper left and clicking Domains.
  3. For hosts 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, look under the Hosting section and click the Setup icon.

    For hosts 6 or 7, look under the Web Site section and click the Web Hosting Settings icon.

  4. Go down the page to the Services section. Find “Web statistics.” Select either AWStats or Webalizer (or None to disable web statistics altogether). Click OK.

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What details can I see in AWStats?

Daily Reports

To get statistics by day for the current month, find the row labeled “When” and click “Days of month”.

Weekly Reports

To get statistics by day for the current week, find the row labeled “When” and click “Days of week”.

Tracking Hostnames

To get a list of hostnames visiting the site, find the row labeled “Who” and click “Hosts”.

In the other rows there are also statistics about how long visitors are on the site, where they’re coming from, and more.

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What details can I see in Webalizer?

Daily/Hourly Reports

To view statistics by day, go to the “Summary by Month” box. Months are listed in the left column. Click a month to view details, including daily and hourly statistics for that month.

Weekly Reports

There is no chart of statistics by week.

Tracking Hostnames

To get a list of hostnames visiting the site, first view details for a particular month. In the list of links at the top, click Sites to view a list of the top 30 hostnames that are visiting your site in that month.

In the other links at the top are also statistics about how long visitors are on the site, where they’re coming from, and more.

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