We’ve Got Your Back – How Cruzio Handles Phishing Schemes

…suspicious you should be. For example, no one should ever want your Social Security number from an email message * The more urgent the message, the more suspicious you should be * There are so many scams, we can’t report every one. But if you see one you feel is serious, or if it’s for a small company, report it to the FBI https://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx Bottom line: if you ever have any doubts about an email that purports to be from Cr…

Watch out for phishing emails claiming to be from Cruzio

…in your personal information. (For more information, see Cruzio’s Internet Security Tips.) If you receive an email purporting to be from Cruzio that asks for your password, credit card info, or any other personal information, do not respond to it. Cruzio does not ask for this type of information via email. If you’re at all unsure about any email communications you receive, please Contact Cruzio to confirm its legitimacy. An example of a Phishing e…

Cruzio and the Loma Fire: Day One

…housing our equipment. 2:48 pm, a TV helicopter’s view of Loma Cruzio has security cameras up there — we mostly use them to monitor weather, so we can make sure snow and ice don’t interfere with equipment in winter. The cameras can be swiveled, zoomed and aimed remotely, so we can see all around. Often, one of our technicians will spot mountain lions or eagles close to the buildings and they’ll email out screen shots. We love the cameras. By 3:30…

Changing the Wireless Password on a Netgear WGT624v3 Router

…r. In the address bar, enter and press the Enter or Return key. A window will appear asking for a login and password.The default login name is: admin The default password is : password Enter this info and click OK. Once logged in, click the Wireless Settings link on the left. Underneath Security Options, select the third option: WPA-PSK [TKIP]. Where it says Passphrase, type in your new password. Your new password must be at least 8 ch…

Keep an Extra Eye Out for Scammers

…arious tasks. That can affect home and office computer equipment. Internet security experts around the country are urging extra caution. Our users and community are not likely to be the specific target of any particular scheme, but large sweeps looking for access to private and small business computers can sometimes catch unsuspecting people. Resist hacking! Some principles to remember: The more urgent it seems, the more likely it is to be a scam…

How to update your Samsung Mail on Android for new Cruzio email settings

…the “SERVER SETTINGS” screen. In the “INCOMING SERVER” section, make sure “Security type” is set to None. You should not need to change any other “INCOMING SERVER” settings. Step 8 – Scroll down. In the “OUTGOING SERVER” section, change the “SMTP server” to the server name assigned to your email address from the table below. If your email address ends in:Your server name is: cruzio.com mail.cruzio.com baymoon.com mail.baymoon.com rattlebrain.com m…

Watch Out: Lots of Phony (Phishing) Email During the Pandemic

…company should already have or which they shouldn’t need, like your social security number. Cruzio Gets Phony Sites Down Quickly For our part, Cruzio is on the lookout, Most phishing schemes are caught before they even get to customers’ mailboxes. Scams that do get through are escalated quickly and our specialized team takes action immediately to report and disable the link. Crooks love to operate on holidays and weekends, so our pager team — who’…

General Email Help

…able version of an antivirus software and install it immediately. (See the Security Tips page for software suggestions.)If you do currently have antivirus software, you should update your virus definitions immediately and run the program to check for new viruses. The longer you wait to clean your system of a virus, the more damage can be done in the form of your own files or system being compromised and by your system propagating the virus even fu…

DSL/Velocity Setup for Windows

…esses. Make sure that Enable PPTP Filtering is not checked and that Enable Security is checked. Click Configure. Permit All should be checked for TCP Ports, UDP Ports, and IP Protocols. Remove anything listed in these boxes. Click OK. Click OK to close the Advanced IP Addressing window. Select the DNS tab. For “Host name” enter cruzio. For “Domain” enter cruzio.com. Under DNS Server Search Order, click Add, and enter; click Add again….

9/27/2022 11:00PM – 2:00AM – Core router maintenance affecting internet connectivity for customers

…Cruzio engineering will be upgrading our main core router that provides access to the Internet on Tuesday, September 27th between 11pm and 2am. During this period, there will be a brief period of less than 5 minutes where the internet may be unavailable as we upgrade equipment. This work is necessary in order to apply security updates and feature enhancements. We apologize for the inconvenience….