So what does Cruzio Internet want for its 20th birthday? To expand its services, and gain new facilities.
Well, we got our wish.
Our CEO’s Peggy Dolgenos and Chris Neklason announced yesterday via Twitter that we, along with partners Ecology Action and developer Joe Appenrodt, won the bid on the old Sentinel building on Church Street in downtown Santa Cruz.
Currently, our employees and servers are spread out among two buildings in downtown with some servers in Fremont, Ca. Moving to this new location will allow us to have all of our employees under one roof and bring all of our servers back into Santa Cruz, and with it, all of our business.

The new location will house a state-of-the-art data center, powered by incredibly fast Internet via fiber.
The plan for the old Sentinel building includes sustainable renovation, energy efficient construction and renewable energy generation along with a large classroom with video conferencing capabilities for ours and Ecology Action’s community classes and events.
I know we’re all excited about our partnership with Ecology Action and the impending purchase. This will be great for the whole community!
Reporter: Amber