Author Archives: James Hackett

Santa Cruz Fiber: The Top 10 Reasons Fiber Generates a Business ROI


Here at Santa Cruz Fiber, we spend a lot of time talking to businesses about the importance of high-speed internet, and the return on investment (ROI) opportunities that they can expect should they switch to gigabit fiber. After all, for businesses it’s all about the bottom line right? Well if you want to save money and improve the quality of your products and services, here are the top 10 reasons to switch to a dedicated fiber connection. (Hint: Did we mention it’s faster, better and cheaper than anything else out there?)

1. It’s Wayyyyy Faster

How much faster? Try 10 – 100 times faster, at least. And no, you didn’t misplace the decimal point, It Is That Fast. Typically your standard cable connection is going to get you anywhere between 20 to 100 mbps (and that’s being really generous), while DSL gets you 10-25 mbps. Santa Cruz Fiber offers gigabit speeds (that’s 1000 Megabits) and is infinitely scalable from there…. How fast is that? Think of being able to download or upload an entire HD movie in one second.  Woah. It’s also cheaper, but we will talk more about that later.

2. Internet is Essential to the Modern Workplace

Two business colleagues shaking hands across the table in congratulations during a multiracial business meeting at a conference table in the office

It’s pretty much a given now that most white collar jobs (and even many blue collar jobs) have to make use of the internet to be effective. So why wouldn’t you want to maximize their productivity? Just kidding, of course you do.

According to a recent Pew Research Survey, roughly 94 percent of all working adults used the internet regularly as an essential part of their work. Furthermore, greater access to the internet has been found to be directly correlated to higher rates of productivity and the number of hours worked. Bottom line: Your Employees Need It, Therefore You Need It. We All Need It. Even these generic businesspeople in the stock photo above need it!

3. It’s More Secure

One of the lesser known benefits of fiber internet, while still being extremely important, is that Fiber is much more secure than either a Cable or DSL connection. Whereas cable lines have been shown to be capable of hijacking with ease by that one guy down the street with miraculously free television, Fiber can only be circumvented by physically cutting into the line itself. It also gives you the bandwidth for your other security needs, too: cameras and alerts that can stream to your home computer, so you know right away when an alarm is serious.

4. Fiber is More Reliable

Remember that time too many people in your neighborhood tried to watch Netflix at the same time? Or maybe even that one time your internet stopped working for, like, no reason? That just won’t happen with Fiber. Even if every person in your household tried to stream an HD movie on all of their devices simultaneously, you wouldn’t see a drop in performance. Many traditional telecommunications methods are literally dependent on which way the wind is blowing, as the most common type of interference is electromagnetic.

5. Flexibility, On All Fronts

One of the most important attributes of a modern company is its ability to adapt to new challenges and changing circumstances. Fiber provides that flexibility in ways you probably never thought possible. Is traffic to and from work killing company morale? Try telecommuting. Think your sales team needs to live near the manufacturing plant to review product specs? Think again. With fiber you can manage your entire company on the go, avoiding unnecessary office trips while staying on task in the comfort of your own home.

6. New Technology Assumes You Have The Internet to Handle It

This isn’t your grandfather’s workplace anymore. Now, your average worker spends a typical day navigating between word processing, spreadsheets, .pdfs, and video chat, all without closing their internet browser. Add onto this all of the cloud applications and digital storage you are probably using, and the extent of your reliance on light speed ones and zeros should be pretty apparent. And software is getting more dependent on fast internet every day — imagine how it’ll be a few years from now!

7. Symmetric Bandwidth!

First off what is it? It’s being able to download and upload things at the same speed. Why is this important? Well with Cable and DSL connections you can only upload things at a tenth of the speed of your downloads. So what happens if you need to send in an important presentation in advance of a meeting? Or maybe you need to send a large data file to a customer? Cue that Jeopardy music… If you had fiber, you could have uploaded that file 10 times over by the time you finished reading this sentence.

8. It’s Cheaper

While we mentioned this a bit earlier in the article, it’s worth mentioning again how much cheaper Fiber is per unit of bandwidth than Cable or DSL. While a dedicated Gigabit per second of Fiber and your standard business cable option are going to be around the same price (~$100/month), the fiber is at minimum 10 times faster, and comes with infinite scalability (no further installation required). You buy it once, and forget about it. There is no penalty for cancellation. You don’t have to buy a new cable box every year. And we won’t reroute you to Bangladesh to save money on customer service. More time = less money spent.

9. Happier Employees

While this may not seem like the most direct benefit of a fiber connection, it certainly matters to your bottom line. Employees with greater internet access are more productive, and are statistically more likely to be in a better mood in the office. It’s not just about avoiding the dreaded “buffering” message when looking at cat videos. It’s about a seamless work environment where employees can maintain their focus and feel empowered in their jobs. The real bottom line: happy employees means more productivity, which means it’s really you who is the happy one.

10. Happy Customers

This one should be pretty self-explanatory, but just in case you forgot who makes the world go ‘round: it’s your customers. And boy are they something more than sophisticated, and certainly an impatient bunch.

Customers expect “it” (whatever it is you sell or provide), to work perfectly. All the time, every time. The second your website doesn’t respond to a mouse click, or you have to explain that you’re experiencing “technical difficulties” with a shoulder shrug, is the exact moment you begin to lose legitimacy. The customer is always right for a reason, and that reason is they don’t have to be your customer.

The bottom line: Make the investment. Get Fiber. Get Customers. It’s that simple.

2016 At Cruzio: Fiber, Fire, and Faster Internet

2016 has been a wild ride for us here at Cruzio Internet. It’s been a year of growth and action for us, as we expanded our network to be better than it’s ever been before, and prepared ourselves for one of our most important projects yet. Now that the year is almost over, we wanted to give all of you a look back at the last 12 months at Cruzio, and peek at what lies ahead for 2017.

We announced the beginnings of the Santa Cruz Fiber project


Probably the biggest project on everyone’s minds here is the grand step we’re taking to bring the future of internet to Santa Cruz County: Santa Cruz Fiber. Early this year, we announced the beginning of the project, with the goal of providing affordable, next generation broadband to every home and business in the city of Santa Cruz.

Over the course of the year, we’ve teamed up with a number of different organizations to take the bold step towards a “fiber future” early next year. We announced that the first part of the project will be bringing gigabit speeds to around 1000 homes and businesses in Downtown Santa Cruz, then expanding outward from there. And if YOU want to be a part of bringing gigabit internet to Santa Cruz, you can fill out our survey here!

We made our growing network bigger than ever


It’s been a year of expansion and exciting firsts for our hybrid fiber-wireless broadband network. In July, we launched the first commercially-available gigabit service in Santa Cruz. At 1000 Megabits per second, that’s way, way faster than anything else available! “This has been our goal for the last few years,” said Cruzio’s Director of Technology & Infrastructure, Chris Frost. “We’ve been rapidly deploying the latest in new technology and have been able to get speeds up to this benchmark level quicker than even I hoped.”

A couple of months earlier, in partnership with Siklu and the City of Santa Cruz, we were able to upgrade 15 buildings to gigabit speeds. The Tannery, Loudon Nelson, the Civic Center, City Hall and the Riverwalk Apartments are all among the buildings that  have the fastest internet in Santa Cruz. Along the way, we’ve also added dozens of great local businesses to our network, including Santa Cruz Shakespeare, Somagenics, Fullpower Technologies, and the Watsonville Film Festival.

We got a new sign!



Cruzio’s HQ at the old Sentinel Building has been a downtown landmark for years of course. But in September, we became even easier to find with the addition of our shiny, beautiful new silver sign. You may have seen it if you’ve taken a stroll along Cedar Street.

Our Business Broadband service turned out to be faster than we thought

Thanks to your excellent field technician, Parker Alwardt, who created the graph

Thanks to your excellent field technician, Parker Alwardt, who created the graph

When describing our Business Broadband service earlier this year, we underestimated our own capabilities. We described the service as getting “up to 30 megabits per second” in speed. As it turns out, and as you can see in the graph above, most users are actually getting 50 megabits or more…with a good number getting as much as 90! As we look toward our fiber future, it’s worth remembering that fiber already exists in Santa Cruz through our various other products, including our hybrid wireless-fiber network. We’re already using fiber technology to bring in excellent speeds like these to people throughout Santa Cruz County. Fill out an inquiry here to find out if you’re eligible.

We Fought to Stay Connected during the Loma Fire

An eagle watches over the Loma Fire.

An eagle watches over the Loma Fire.

On September 26th, disaster struck in the Santa Cruz mountains. As firefighters scrambled to get the Loma Fire under control, back here at Cruzio we were also nervously watching the blaze. At first, we looked on as anyone else would; worrying about the people, pets and animals who might be affected. But as hours passed, the wildfire started approaching an important facility at the top of Loma Prieta where we’ve spent years building infrastructure.

View of the Loma Fire from Cruzio's security cameras, 8:36PM

View of the Loma Fire from Cruzio’s security cameras, 8:36PM

What followed was a saga of late nights, early mornings, and close calls as our excellent technicians worked to keep the power for our equipment on, so they could make sure as few people as possible would see issues with their service. We didn’t completely avoid an outage, but the number of people affected was small and the effect was brief. The real heroes were the firefighters who worked around the clock for weeks at a time to stop the fire, and keep the damage at a minimum. If you want to read about the full saga of Cruzio and the Loma Fire, you can read our comprehensive breakdown (and see more of the incredible pictures from the scene of the fire) right here.

Loma Fire road block September 27th

Loma Fire road block September 27th


We welcomed a big new team member

Our new bucket truck "Number 88"

Our Director of Technology, Chris Frost, takes the bucket truck for a ride

Getting up to the top of tall buildings can be a difficult process for our field operations team So, last month we welcomed the newest member of our team: the Cruzio Bucket Truck — otherwise known as Number 88. So if you’ve got a very tall building, expect to see our new truck working hard with our team to make sure you have the fastest possible internet.

We held our 6th annual Open House Extravaganza


As we’ve done every year for the past 5 years, we welcomed thousands of people to our coworking and technology hub to come party with us at Open House Extravaganza 6.0. Our works members showed off their passions and projects, as the Santa Cruz community walked in to drink free beer from Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing, eat fantastic food from the Ate3One food truck, and listen to great music from Full Moon Rooster (featuring Cruzio’s own Field Operations Lead, Ariel Carter.) The real stars of the event, however, were our Cruzioworks members, who did a fantastic job showing off the projects they’re doing in our coworking space everyday.

Full Moon Rooster played bluegrass tunes all night long

Full Moon Rooster played bluegrass tunes all night long

Sales and Marketing Associate Brian is ready to enjoy a delicious Philly Cheesesteak at the Ate3One Food Truck.

Sales and Marketing Associate Brian is ready to enjoy a delicious Philly Cheesesteak at the Ate3One Food Truck.

And we’re looking forward to 2017

As we look ahead to 2017, there are even bigger changes coming to both Cruzio, and the Santa Cruz community. Early next year, we will launch our Santa Cruz Fiber initiative in earnest, with the goal of bringing gigabit fiber internet to all of Santa Cruz County. We will begin construction soon. So as we take a look back at everything we’ve done in 2016, we’re looking forward to making 2017 the best year yet!
Happy Holidays, and a Fantastic New Year to you from: Chris, Peggy, Mark, Paul, James, another Chris, Sandi, Ralph, Colin, Adia, Jesus, Alison, Dan, Morgan, Ariel, Justin, Andrew, David, another David, Alex, Brooke, Parker, Ani, Max, Josephine, Iasha, Josh, Laurie, Robert, Alana and Brian;

our fantastic interns & apprentices: Cameron, Rafferty,

and Jake, Annika & Carly (the grown “kids”)


The End of the World As We Know It?


One of the biggest perks of the Cruzioworks Community is our always-enlightening Bounce Hour.

Every Thursday at 10:30am, Cruzioworks members and their guests are invited to join us for engaging conversations ranging from political discussions led by numerous city council candidates, to simulations that show the factors that could lead to the end of civilization as we know it. Plus, there’s free snacks and coffee for everyone that shows up.

Today, we wanted to give you a sneak peak into exactly what you can expect from Bounce Hour if you decide to become a member yourself. Yesterday, Cruzioworks member Alex Lamb gave us an in-depth, and often darkly hilarious look into how data modeling can help us predict the future of the human race. Take a look:

Alex spoke about how he uses data to predict human behavior and explain how society as a whole makes decisions. He showed jaw-dropping models demonstrating everything from the dangers of using social media as news, to how commerce, white collar crime, and global unification can actually lead to modern civilization’s demise. But, throughout the whole discussion, he maintained hope for the future of the human race and discussed how we can avoid disaster moving forward.

Bounce Hours are only one of the many benefits to becoming a member of the Cruzioworks coworking community. As a 24/7 Member, you can also enjoy full around-the-clock access to our state-of the-art coworking hub. There, you’ll have access to our lightning-fast gigabit-speed fiber internet, well-appointed meeting rooms, and our on-site organic cafe — All starting at $179 a month. And if you only need to work normal business hours, we also have 9-5 memberships for just $129 a month.

Enjoy enlightening Bounce Hour discussions like Alex’s and the other Cruzioworks perks by signing up for a membership!

Cruzio’s Open House Extravaganza 6.0: A Resounding Success


Last Friday, thousands of excited people partied with us in our coworking and technology hub at this year’s Cruzio Open House Extravaganza 6.0. Community members sipped complimentary beverages, danced to fantastic tunes and enjoyed delicious food as they admired the wonderful work our Cruzioworks members do every day. Let’s take a quick tour:

Cruzio's own Ani Zickuhr's animated depictions of cats lined the walls.

Cruzio’s own Ani Zickuhr’s animated depictions of cats lined the walls.

Cruzio welcomed art enthusiasts, as visitors browsed pieces by local artists Doug Ross, Verna Knapp and Cruzio’s own Marketing Associate, Ani Zickuhr. Ani’s pride and joy, her adorably animated depictions of cats, lit up the entry wall, welcoming our guests into the party.

Through the door into our atrium, Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing and our fantastic Cruzio volunteers were pouring up delicious free local brews and wine for all of our beloved community members.  Their India Pale Ale was particularly tasty, and very popular with everyone who had a sip.


Community members gather to enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of the OHE

From there, guests walked into the Cruzioworks main event space, where our works members showed off their passions, projects and professions. Visitors could hear from city council candidate Robert Singleton, get advice from co-active life coach Karen Gray, and learn about the potential future of a light rail in Santa Cruz county from Colin Young, Tom Padula and Autumn Cardone–all of whom are Cruzioworks members.

And of course, we were on hand to talk about fiber internet in Santa Cruz, and how all of us can take part in bringing the future of internet into their communities. (hint: the survey here is a good place to start!)

Lisa and Alana educate visitors on the benefits of fiber internet at the Cruzio booth

Lisa and Alana educate visitors on the benefits of fiber internet at the Cruzio booth

When hunger struck, guests could head out back. There, the Ate3One food truck, coordinated by local and wildly popular food truck company Food Trucks-a-Go-Go, was serving up delicious meals like Philly Cheesesteaks, Naughty Fries, and Garlic Shrimp tacos.

Brian is ready to enjoy a delicious Philly Cheesesteak at the Ate3One Food Truck.

Brian is ready to enjoy a delicious Philly Cheesesteak at the Ate3One Food Truck.

Throughout the evening, everyone in the building was enjoying the smooth sounds of the always fantastic bluegrass band Full Moon Rooster. And in the band was Cruzio Team Member, and Field Operations Lead (we all like to have a wide array of abilities here at the office!), Ariel Carter showing off her wonderful talent.

Full Moon Rooster played bluegrass tunes all night long

Full Moon Rooster played bluegrass tunes all night long

The event was a spectacularly fun evening. As everyone shuffled out the door, their laughs echoed through the halls. Another fantastic OHE gone by.

The Cruzio crew celebrates a successful night.

The Cruzio crew celebrates a successful night.

One last thing: we want to give a tremendous thank you to Alana, Brian, Ani, Andrew, Robert, Natalie and Shannon. They’re the Cruzio staffers who worked hard all night, and helped to make this event a reality. That’s the crew from left to right in the picture above.

Not pictured above is Andrew’s mom Lisa, who was instrumental in helping us with everything from cleanup to running booths. Thank you Lisa!

And a special shout-out to Andrew, who’s hard work and determination was integral in making this event happen. Without his blood, sweat and tears, the OHE wouldn’t have been half the event we all enjoyed.

Andrew makes his eloquent speech at the end of the night.

Andrew makes his eloquent speech at the end of the night.


Cruzio staffers Colin, Alex, Dave and Ali take kick back and enjoy the night

Cruzio staffers Colin, Alex, Dave and Ali kick back and enjoy the night

Cruzio Holds Community Party at Open House Extravaganza 6.0


On First Friday November 4th, get ready to party with Cruzio and our Works members at our Open House Extravaganza 6.0. If you’re looking for rockin’ music, exceptional art, free drinks and fascinating people–we’ll have all of that for you and more. We don’t call it an extravaganza for no reason.

For the 6th straight year, you can party with some of the best local businesses and entrepreneurs, who’ll show off the innovative work they do every day here in the high-octane Cruzioworks community. And it’ll all be happening in our beautiful coworking and technology hub in the heart of downtown Santa Cruz.

If you’re looking for inspiration from art, local award-winning artist Doug Ross will park his vintage trailer near our building’s front door. Inside, he’ll show his unique brand of art, which has been featured everywhere from the New York Times to the Royal Bank of Canada. In the building there’ll be lots more art from local artists, so be sure to peruse as you sip.

Also in Cruzioworks, Joanna Nelson of LandSea Science will be on hand to discuss her years of experience and current work protecting our beautiful and precious Monterey Bay from climate change. And co-active life coach Karen Gray will spin her Wheel-of-Life to show you a snapshot of your life, and give you insight into how you can achieve balance and satisfaction.

These are only a few of the interesting exhibits that’ll be featured at this year’s event. You’ll be sure to find even more creative Cruzioworks members showcasing the work and art they do every day in Santa Cruz.

Even with all of these extraordinary exhibits, we know it wouldn’t be a party without food, music, and drinks. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

If you arrive thirsty,  the award-winning Santa Cruz Mountain Brewery will be pouring free certified organic draft beverages all night. And if you’ve got an eye for food, come grab a bite to eat at local food trucks parked right outside.

While you’re here, you can also enjoy the sounds of bluegrass band Full Moon Rooster, which includes our very own award winning Field Ops technician,  Ariel Carter!

And if you’re interested in the future of blazing-fast internet in Santa Cruz, we will be talking about our Santa Cruz Fiber initiative and giving a sneak peak into our plans to bring gigabit internet to your neighborhood.

All of this is only a piece of what you’ll find at this year’s OHE. We look forward to seeing you very soon on November 4th, for First Friday’s Open House Extravaganza 6.0!

Cruzio Was at the Indie Business Expo

Last night at the Coconut Grove, Think Local First hosted its Indie Business Expo. We saw many current customers and had a few inquires taken to find out more about Cruzio Internet. We met many more who unfortunately can’t yet get our services, but who are in areas that are on our radar for future installations such as Hidden Fortress Coffee Roasting in Watsonville. If everything goes through with Watsonville Community Hospital, many more business like Hidden Fortress in that area will soon have access to the fastest local internet.img_2502copy-of-img_2520copy-of-img_2528copy-of-img_2517

The Expo was extremely successful with a long line even before doors opened. We saw some familiar faces; Allterra Solar and Good Times were stationed and ready for the bustling crowd of local business goers.

                                        copy-of-img_2484    copy-of-img_2500

This was a fantastic opportunity for us to promote the Fiber Project. With only months away from breaking ground in the first neighborhood, interest is growing steadily. We had a multitude of questions about Fiber! Many visitors to our station certainly wanted to know how long it would take for us to get Fiber out to them, and, conveniently, a number of these individuals lived between downtown and Mission St – a great area to be talking about Fiber as they are closer to our initial neighborhood for Fiber implementation.


A big thank you to Think Local First for the opportunity to showcase our services at the event. As always, a fun time and a brilliant event for local businesses like Cruzio to promote what we all do for our community.copy-of-img_2515

All-Inclusive Office Space is Available at Cruzio!


Welcome to the future of full-service office space at gigabit speed, where almost everything is taken care of for you. Located in the heart of downtown Santa Cruz in the Cruzio building, convenience and accessibility are just the start of why our tenants love being here.

We have the rare opportunity of a mid-size space coming available September 1st. 529 square feet and optionally furnished with beautiful Herman Miller desks. There is a coworking facility in a nearby part of the building, with a wonderful community of local professional people — great for conversations over coffee and networking. We were sad to see our last long-term tenants go and are looking for a minimum commitment of 24 months, with lower pricing options available depending on the length of the lease.

Some amenities included in the price:

  • Gigabit (1000 Mbps) lightning fast internet, both wifi and wired, at no extra cost (the fastest internet in the county)
  • Access to coworking facility, including on-site networking events and meet-ups
  • Two break rooms
  • Weekly light cleaning of your office
  • Trash and recycling pick-up
  • Utilities included
  • Private entrance from building’s main hallway
  • Recently renovated, beautifully appointed interiors
  • Yearly building-wide Open House event sponsored by lessor
  • Located in the heart of downtown, the technology hub of Santa Cruz
  • 20 hours of meeting time included in a choice of 3 fully-equipped meeting rooms
  • Onsite parking
  • Excellent networking opportunities with over 30 local companies
  • On site organic cafe
  • Friendly staff on site

Sound like a great fit? Great! We would love to hear from you! Stop by for a tour or contact us for more information. 


Cruzio announces start of Santa Cruz Fiber project

Cruzio announces start of Santa Cruz Fiber project, Santa Cruz CA

July 19th, 2016 — Cruzio Internet announced today that they will begin construction of the Santa Cruz Fiber internet network immediately. The gigabit speed, fiberoptic network is being built in collaboration with the City of Santa Cruz and has the goal of providing affordable, next-generation broadband to every home and business in the city.

“We could not be more excited to finally be breaking ground,” declared Cruzio’s President and co-founder Peggy Dolgenos. “True, cutting-edge, locally-operated internet is always a goal, and now that goal is closer than ever.”

Cruzio Internet and the City of Santa Cruz have been developing plans to build out a high-speed network for the past two years with various financing options. Spurring the project forward, and demonstrating the construction methods and business model involved, Cruzio is taking the bold step of initiating this first “neighborhood” — covering around 1,000 homes in the downtown area — independently.

“The best way to demonstrate how successful this network can be is to just start building it,” said Cruzio’s Chief Technology Officer and co-founder, Chris Neklason. “The City Council and staff have been fantastically encouraging and we decided the time was right to take that encouragement and put it into action.”

Starting this fall, Cruzio engineers will program and install the hardware necessary to “light up” the gigabit speeds. At the same time, construction crews will move through the neighborhood installing the backbone fiber path, and connections to the homes of anyone who has signed up.

“We’re thrilled about the low price we can offer City residents,” continued Dolgenos. “We are aiming for $50 per month for gigabit internet — one of the lowest prices in the whole country. This is not an elite service, we want to make it affordable to as many people as possible.”

One gigabit per second, or 1000 megabits per second, is 10-100 times faster than the next best service available in the City and is the same level of service available in Google Fiber markets.

“Cruzio has already proven they lead the way with a gigabit-class wireless network,” said J. Guevara, City of Santa Cruz Economic Development Manager. “Now we get to see the first step for Santa Cruz Fiber by providing fast and affordable internet in Downtown Santa Cruz at an unbeatable price.” The City of Santa Cruz and Cruzio continue to explore how to expand the network throughout the city.

To learn more about Gigabit Broadband and to get your building connected, visit To learn more about Santa Cruz Fiber, visit

About Cruzio

Cruzio, founded, run, and wholly owned by residents of Santa Cruz, is one of the largest independent internet service providers in California and a registered Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) with a significant market share (about 9,000 households and businesses) in Santa Cruz County. Established in 1989, Cruzio connects businesses and residences around Santa Cruz County and parts of the Bay Area with multi-gigabit fiber internet, business-grade wireless internet, and other internet and web services. Our beautiful headquarters in downtown Santa Cruz serve as an Internet Exchange Point and data center, with colocation, flexible office space and coworking for startups and small businesses.


Santa Cruz Fiber Project on Track to Break Ground in Early 2017

Since the City council voted unanimously to move forward with Gigabit-to-the-home fiber in January, we’ve been working non-stop on the Santa Cruz Fiber Project. In fact we’ve been so busy with it we’ve been totally neglectful in keeping everyone updated. We’ll be sure to post regular updates from here on out.

So what’s been happening since? Lots!

Firstly, and most importantly, we’ve been locked away in our Santa Cruz Fiber Project underground bunker with our partners at the City, engaging in high-level cogitation, extreme fine-tuning and the general hashing out of every little detail of the project and the agreement. This is a BIG project and we want to make sure we’re doing everything right. They say you should measure twice and cut once. Well, with this project we’re measuring a dozen times before that first cut. It’s that important. We’re making great progress and still absolutely expect to be breaking ground as we roll into 2017.

We’re also meeting with as many fiber electronics manufacturers, construction companies, engineers and designers as we can. At Cruzio we’ve been building and running broadband networks since before there were broadband networks, but there’s always room to learn more about the next wave of tech. The companies we’re talking to are on the cutting edge of fiber-to-the-premise deployments nationwide. We’ve talked to the designers, owners and suppliers for many of the biggest, most successful (and not so much) networks in the country. We’re determined to make sure that Santa Cruz’s network is the absolute best.


Speaking of information gathering, a couple of weeks ago Cruzio’s project team, and the City of Santa Cruz’s team, all headed out for a week in Austin, Texas for the Broadband Communities Summit 2016. Everyone who is anyone in community broadband was there. We all learned a ton, met some great people and got lots and lots of encouragement from folks building the same kinds of community-owned broadband networks all over the country. It was pretty inspiring to hear from all those community leaders and it felt great to get some props for the way we’re approaching the Santa Cruz Fiber Project.

Austin, Texas Broadband Communities Summit Broadband Communities Summit

We also got major kudos out in Austin because it happened to coincide with the announcement of more Gigabit goodness in Santa Cruz. Cruzio and the City have teamed up with Siklu wireless to jump start the Gigabit project by serving 17 community, residential and business sites with Siklu’s gigabit, millimeter-wave wireless hardware. This is the first project of its kind in the country and we couldn’t be happier to get this quick an easy win for the city. You can read all about the project here and here.

That’s it for now. Thanks to everyone for all the support so far. In the summer, we plan to open up for pre-signups and we’ll want as many folks as possible to commit to the service and help us plan out the schedule of the build. The first people on board will be guaranteed service faster than anyone else. And, most importantly, the more people who sign up quickly, the lower the cost will be for every single subscriber.

Thanks again. Go Go Gigabit!

Santa Cruz City Council Approves City-Wide Fiber Internet Network

Santa Cruz Mayor, Don Lane, called the vote the “Main Event” for the City Council meeting that took place on Thursday, December 9th.

Santa Cruz Economic Development Manager, J. Guevara, and Economic Development Director Bonnie Lipscomb first addressed the stages behind the project and what involvement would be needed from the city.

Speaking for Cruzio and discussing the importance and benefits of gigabit Internet was their co-CEO, Peggy Dolgenos.

The floor was opened up for other speakers and a few people from the community stepped up and showed their support. Afterward, the City Council expressed their thoughts, all showing support for the project. The vote was unanimous to proceed with the Santa Cruz fiber project.


More details to come!