Heartbleed Bug

By now, you’ve probably heard of the Heartbleed computer bug. Cruzio’s engineers were immediately aware of the issue and conducted a full review of our systems which showed that Cruzio systems, including our website and email, were never affected by the bug. Your personal information and data is absolutely not at risk through using our services.
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The 2009 Fiber Cut — Five Years On

Five years ago today, on April 9th 2009, Santa Cruz awoke to a world completely cut off from the continuous, uninterrupted communications we are now all so used to. To this day we don’t know for sure what happened (despite the $250,000 reward offered) but, as best anyone can figure, sometime in the early hours of the morning vandals took a chainsaw to AT&T’s fiberoptic backbone out of the county — and everything went dark.
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Cruzio’s Having a Party!

Cruzio Internet presents our Open House Extravaganza 3.0!

We’re inviting the whole Santa Cruz community to our 3rd annual Open House Extravaganza — the only place you can see great art and visit more than 100 businesses in one building.

Many of Cruzio’s creative staff and Cruzioworks members will be displaying their art around the space and we’ll be providing lots of tasty food, beer & wine, awesome swag bags and exciting entertainment throughout the evening! This will be an event you won’t want to miss.

Friday, March 7th
877 Cedar St.

New Tech Meet Up Encourages Themes of Community and Collaboration

On Wednesday night, over a hundred people mixed and mingled at Cruzioworks coworking space prior to the commencement of the second installation in a three-part series on the tech economy in Santa Cruz hosted by the Santa Cruz New Tech Meet up. As organizer and host, Doug Erickson mentioned, this was the fifth year of the New Tech Meetup in Santa Cruz and it was a full house.
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On Internet Privacy & Digital Freedom

Given revelations over the last several years that US citizens are under surveillance by the NSA and other government agencies which are assisted by large communications and media corporations as reported in the press, we at Cruzio Internet have received requests from our customers for information on our privacy policies as well as our policies and procedures regarding requests from law enforcement or other government agencies.

Cruzio does not provide customer information to outside parties without a court ordered subpoena. This includes billing information, any log files, or other customer data like backups of email or websites. We require a court order to ensure that a disinterested third party (a judge) reviews the subpoena and only issues it after a defined standard of probable cause has been met.
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CPUC meeting notes

Last week we rolled down to Carmel to speak for our alloted 3 minutes at an open CPUC meeting. This is what we said:

Re: Central Coast Broadband Investment

In the past, telecommunications was classed as a public utility: similarly to electricity, gas or water, infrastructure was regulated and shared due to the high costs of construction and maintenance. Funds were provided or fee structures established to encourage universal service. Following deregulatory trends in the 1990s and 2000s, however, this system no longer exists.
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Cruzio Network Expansion Update

We eat, sleep and breathe Internet here at Cruzio, and we know that in Santa Cruz we’re not the only ones. This is a high-tech community, with a thriving tech scene that’s right about ready to explode. So I guess it shouldn’t surprise us that folks around the County are crying out for ever better, faster, more reliable broadband.

Even so, the demand for our super-speedy new links has been a pleasant surprise and our Enterprise and Technology Services teams have had their hands full keeping up. These last 6 months we’ve set up dozens of new connections and we’re getting much needed bandwidth to local notables like Zero Motorcycles, Fox Racing Shox, Santa Cruz City Hall and the Civic Auditorium, Kaiser Permanente Arena, the Chaminade resort, the Kuumbwa jazz center, Digital Media Factory and lots of other awesome local businesses and organizations.
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Cruzio.com changes, local portals, web design, etc

Our website, cruzio.com, has always been a big, big part of our company, our culture and our identity — and we hope Santa Cruz’s community culture. Just as Cruzio was born out of Chris and Peggy’s passion for the technology and the opportunities it offered to connect people in new ways, the site started as a portal for the community, not as a way to sell Cruzio products. Operating cruzio.com as a community portal is still very important to us, and though that portal has morphed many times over the years, we’ve maintained that key element.
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Cruzio.com website redesign Request for Proposal


Cruzio is revamping our award-winning website, cruzio.com and we’re requesting proposals from local web designers and design teams to manage this project. It’s been several years since we last overhauled cruzio.com, and we’re excited to collaborate with our thriving tech community on the next step in our site’s evolution.

Cruzio requires a vendor who has demonstrated experience in managing website projects and expertise with best practices regarding successful website design, development, and deployment.
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