Our battery backups at Loma Prieta have run out. Our field ops team is currently working to restore power at this time, and some of our wireless customers in the Watsonville area may experience downtime due to this issue. This only affects our wireless customers, and will not affect customers on Velocity or DSL connections. We appreciate your patience.
9/27/2016 11:01PM – [RESOLVED] Loma Prieta fire, possible outage
As of now, all customers that were affected by the Loma Prieta outage should be restored to normal connectivity.
Cruzio technicians will continue to run generators periodically for our Loma Prieta equipment (in order to keep all customers up and running) until permanent power is restored.
Thank you again for your patience.
9/27/2016 10:00PM – [UPDATE] Loma Prieta fire, possible outage
Cruzio technicians have successfully reached our site at Loma Prieta, and have begun running generators in order to restore power to our radio equipment on the mountain top.
We are currently in the process of restoring all customers in the watsonville and weston areas, which should all be restored shortly.
We apologize for any inconvenience, thank you.
9/27/2016 3:55PM – [UPDATE] Loma Prieta fire, possible outage
The Loma Prieta fire cut power to Cruzio’s mountaintop site early Monday evening, and our networking equipment has been running on battery backup power.
Cruzio technicians have been attempting to travel to the site to connect a generator our equipment, however due to safety reasons, CalFire has kept the road closed.
Our battery backup is reaching the end of its capacity, meaning that our wireless networking equipment may run out of battery power between 4PM and 5PM today. If power is lost, we hope to quickly have service restored once we have the clearance to drive up to mountain top site. We will hear in the next hour if CalFire will allow escorted traffic to the site.
This will only affect Cruzio Enterprise, Business Broadband, and Dedicated Business Broadband connectivity services in the Watsonville and Aptos areas. Velocity and DSL services in the above areas will not be affected.
9/27/2016 9:30am – Loma Prieta Fire
The Loma Prieta fire has cut power to Cruzio’s Loma Prieta site.
Our site is currently on backup battery power.
Cruzio technicians will be going on-site as soon as it is safe to charge our Battery system.
12pm 9/6/2016 – Emergency reboot of host4.cruzio.com COMPLETE
The issue has been cleared without the need for a reboot. This should have had no effect on any customers. Apologies for the false alert.
12pm 9/6/2016 – Emergency reboot of host4.cruzio.com
We are rebooting host4.cruzio.com to fix a stuck process. This should only take a few minutes and any email sent during that time should be queued and delivered once the services are restored. This message will be updated as soon as we have finished rebooting. Thank you for your patience.
8/24/16 @ 12am | Upstream Provider Routine Maintenance for Velocity Subscribers
Tonight at 12am midnight, our upstream provider will be performing routine maintenance on equipment serving our Velocity customers. The expected downtime is around 20 minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience.
8/21/2016 4:22am – Rebooting host6.cruzio.com – RESOLVED
All services have been restored on host6. Mail that has been queued up during the reboot and should be delivered shortly if not already.
8/21/2016 4am – Rebooting host6.cruzio.com
Web hosting server host6.cruzio.com is being rebooted to fix a stuck process. This should only effect customers with web hosting services on host6. Any email sent during this period will be queued and delivered once services are restored.