Webhosting server host1.cruzio.com is being restarted.
This will only affect customers with web hosting services on host7. Any email sent during this time will be queued and delivered once services are restored. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The restart should be done by 4:35PM.
All wireless services are now up and operational.
Services have been restored for wireless and wired customers fed from the UTC and Dream Inn buildings in downtown Santa Cruz, however we are still looking into issues at the Chamenade building which is still effecting some customers. Updates will be posted as we get more information. Thank you for your patience.
We are currently experiencing an equipment failure that is effecting several wireless customers connected via the UTC building in downtown Santa Cruz. This may effect customers fed from the Dream Inn and the Chaminade POPs. Engineers are out in the field working to resolve the issue and we should be able to provide updates shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Repairs were made and all services should now be back up and operational.
A radio linking the SC Art Center to Cruzio has gone down and engineers have been dispatched to fix the problem. This should only effect customers connected wireless at the SC Art center. Updates will be provided as soon as we have more information.
Web hosting server host 7 is now back up and operational. Any mail sent during this time has been queued up and should be delivered shortly. Thank you for your patience.
Web hosting server host7.cruzio.com is being rebooted to fix a problem. This should only effect customers with web hosting services on host7.cruzio.com Any mail sent during this time will be queued up and delivered once the server is back on line.