…count, or buy them for just $12 each. 3. Cruzio DSL — *The* Lowest Priced DSL Although Cruzio DSL includes our superior service, we are also currently the absolutely lowest-priced provider we know for a year of broadband Internet connectivity: cheaper (by far) than cable. Cheaper (by a good margin) than the telco giants. Now’s a good time to sign up! //signup.cruzio.com Until January 15, 2005, Cruzio is offering DSL 1.5 at just $19.95 per month f…
…services/highspeed_access/ for more information, https://quartz.cruzio.com/dslorder/order_dsl.html to sign up for DSL service, or //signup.cruzio.com/dsl_sale.html to renew an existing contract. 2. Opposing the SBC/AT&T Merger Thanks so much to all who wrote to tell us they’d sent email or letters to the California Public Utilities Commission protesting the proposed SBC/AT&T merger. A few people sent the text of their messages to us — some memora…
…to have free modems (read their fine print.) To read more and sign up for DSL, go to http://www.cruzio.com/dsl or straight to the signup form: https://www4.cruzio.com/w4a002/dsl/csiorder.html or call us at 831 459-6301, press #2 for sales, or come into our downtown Santa Cruz office at 903 Pacific Avenue, Suite 101. It only takes a couple of weeks — often faster — for most people to get a reliable high-speed Cruzio DSL connection. 2. Cruzio vot…
…rt of the American psyche, and it’s lots of fun — thanks, Jake. 7. Cruzio DSL Is the Best Deal for Businesses Cruzio doesn’t charge business customers higher fees for DSL — but most other Internet providers do. That means your business would pay about 50% more to use DSL or other broadband from a non-Cruzio provider. (Yes, 50% more.) Big savings can mean a lot to a small business. And Cruzio’s DSL is fast and reliable, with nearly 6,000 customer…
…ices/highspeed_access/ for more information, and https://quartz.cruzio.com/dslorder/order_dsl.html to sign up. DSL 3.0 and 6.0, even faster speeds, are also excellent deals right now: they start at just $19.95 per month for 3 months. Cruzio DSL 6.0 is up to four times the speed of cable Internet! If you are already in the midst of a Cruzio DSL contract, we are unable to switch you to this low price right now, but we are working on it. We will let…
…’s best to let us know several weeks ahead of time, especially if you have DSL or if you’re canceling a phone line. We can often save you from an interruption in Internet service and prevent costly fees — but you’ve got to let us know. For more information, please see http://www.cruzio.com/services/highspeed_access/move_dsl.html 11. About This Newsletter Cruzio doesn’t like to waste bandwidth with extra email, but we sometimes have events and ann…
…stomer service. 3. Yes, You Can Get the Sale Rate Even If You Already Have DSL Even if you already have Cruzio DSL, no matter what price you are now paying, you can sign up for a one-year term at the current sale rate — just as if you were a new customer. While the current special lasts, you can renew your contract at any time in your term. Just go to //signup.cruzio.com/dsl_sale.html and tell us you’d like a year at our low, sale rate. Remember…
…g Thurs, June 24th Do you need extra Internet speed — up to twice regular DSL or cable? Are you ready for DSL 3.0? Join us: Thursday, June 24th, noon-1:30 pm Cruzio storefront, 903 Pacific Ave. Come to Cruzio’s DSL 3.0 Brown Bag on June 24th to learn how you can get zippy speeds at your home or office with DSL 3.0! Cruzio staff will discuss whether it’s right for you, if you qualify, and how it stacks up against dialup and cable modems. Join Cruz…
…igh Bandwidth DSL 3.0 Cruzio’s new DSL 3.0 is even faster than our regular DSL (now called DSL 1.5) and can accomodate more computers at once. Speeds range from 1.5 to 3.0 Megabits per second when you are downloading, and up to 416 Kilobits per second when you upload. It’s $49.95 per month, plus FUSF fee. And if you upgrade from DSL 1.5, service is continuous (no downtime.) You’ll experience a gradual increase in speed after the switch is made. Th…
…ow to Reach Cruzio (Dial-in or Tech Support) 1. Sale Ends Soon: Get Cruzio DSL by April 30th If you order Cruzio DSL — high-speed, broadband Internet access — right now, the modem is FREE. Take advantage of the chance to get super-fast, always-on service for a low price. As with other Cruzio services, our DSL comes with a reliable connection, friendly service, and respect for your privacy — we don’t share or sell your personal information to ad…