Cruzio has been working with the Pajaro Valley Unified School District for months to get reliable, fast internet to all the students who need it. We’ve been installing high speed broadband at their homes since springtime and have connected about 50 families so far.
And we love these students. They’ve been in online classes for weeks now and they’ve been telling us how much it means to have a good connection.
Here’s who they are and what they have to say! We’re hoping they stay in touch so we can see where they are years from now. We suspect we’re looking a the future leaders of our county — maybe a mayor or a county supervisor in the bunch.
First, a couple of middle schoolers made videos and they’re fantastic. Karyna even translated her statement into Spanish after she speaking with impressive poise in English. As Cruzio’s Sales and Marketing Manager, Jesus Lopez, put it: “I’m not crying, you’re crying.”

We’re also enjoying some photos and quotes from other bright kids:
This is a fantastic family from Freedom: Mom and Dad Johnna and Daniel, and son Isaiah.

“It was difficult at first for me to do my school work because I had no Internet connection. Now that we have it with Cruzio, I am able to communicate with my teacher all the time and do my school work. I no longer have glitches when I am participating in class.”
— Isaiah, Freedom Elementary Student
“When Distance Learning began, we had no Internet and we needed it. Being connected was extremely necessary and Cruzio provided the opportunity so my son could participate in classes. “
— Father: Daniel
Another awesome family. We’ve been so impressed with the efforts of both parents and kids to keep up with schoolwork in the pandemic. How about this fantastic trio:

“It has been great having constant access to the Internet! I can hear my teachers clearly and there is no lagging in my connection.”
— EA Hall Student, Lesly
“Para mi este servicio fue muy bueno porque no tenia Internet en casa y me dieron la oportunidad de tenerlo en casa gratis durante tres meses. Cruzio instalo la antena y proporciono el cable totalmente gratis y ahora pago $14.99 al mes.”
— Elizabeth , Lesly’s mom
Translation- “For me, this service was great because I did not have internet access at home and they gave me the opportunity to have it free for three months. Cruzio installed the antenna and cable totally free and now I pay only $14.99 per month.”
Looks like Mahia enjoys our foggy coastal weather… Another great kid with lots of promise.

“Having Internet helped go to school and participate in the classes I’m in. I am able to do my homework and I don’t need to go out to look for free Internet. I was a bit scared when I had to park to get Internet to do my class work.”
— Mahia, Aptos Jr High student
“Para mi, un bill era un gasto más pero los hotspots no siempre funcionan. Busque opciones de Internet de bajo costo pero no encontraba. Mi hija y yo usabamos el Internet público en la biblioteca de la ciudad o en algún otro lugar donde hubiera Internet gratis y nos quedabamos en el carro para que hiciera sus trabajos escolares. El gerente de Cruzio, quien hablaba español – algo muy importante para mí, nos ayudó muchísimo y pudimos conectarnos al Internet en casa a un costo más aceptable para mí después de recibirlo gratis por tres meses.”
— Mother: Rosario
Translation- For me, another bill was one more expense, and our mobile hotspots didn’t always work well. I looked around for low-cost Internet options but could not find any. My daughter and I used the public internet in the city library or any other place where there was free internet and we stayed in the car until she was able to complete her school work. Cruzio’s manager, who spoke Spanish – which is something very important to me, helped us a lot and we were able to connect to the internet at home at a reasonable cost after receiving it free for three months
By the way, the Cruzio manager Mahia’s mother refers to is Jesus Lopez, who worked tirelessly to make sure all the families were well-informed and comfortable with getting internet installed in their homes.
It’s been hard getting Jesus to stop calling every single family, but now our field ops and front desk staffers Carlos Serna and Antonio Guizar Orosco have been helping, too. Thanks, Carlos and Tony!