Here at Cruzio, in our community by Monterey Bay where we’ve been installing high-speed broadband, we’re very much interested in both octopuses and fiber optics. We adopted the Fiberopticpus, above, as our fiber mascot.
And we created this trivia quiz for our eighth annual Open House Extravaganza. Missed the party? Test your knowledge at home, see how you score! Answer key follows the questions.
Cruzio’s Fiberopticpus Trivia Quiz!
Questions about Fiber:
1. What color(s) are the fibers in a fiberoptic cable
- orange
- blue
- all the colors of the rainbow
- no color/clear
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. Data is transmitted over fiber by lasers.
What does the acronym LASER stand for?
- light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
- luminous asynchronicity enunciated by rays
- light-activated silicate-emitted radiowaves
- laparoscopic simulated energy rendition
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. How do you join two strands of fiber together?
- sewing
- tying
- stapling
- fusing
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. Fiberoptic technology has hugely increased the speed of the internet, which is measured in amounts per second. What comes next? Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte, Petabyte…
- Ketabyte
- Metrobyte
- Exabyte
- Omegabyte
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. Rain makes fiberoptic data:
- go faster
- go slower
- revert to non-binary format
- it has no effect
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. Fiberoptic cables are made of glass. That means installers have to worry about:
- mesmeric forces
- bending cables too sharply
- electromagnetism
- overheating
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. Which of these did *not* use fiber optic technology in some form?
- China’s Zhou Dynasty
- the Ancient Romans
- Alexander Graham Bell
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Octopus Questions:
1. An octopus has 8 limbs. How many legs does an octopus have?
- 8
- 10
- 2
- 6
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. How big is the largest known octopus?
- 20 pounds
- 50 pounds
- 500 pounds
- 1,000 pounds
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. What’s the typical lifespan of an octopus?
- 1 to 2 years
- 30 to 50 years
- Often about 100 years
- Up to 300 years
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. Do octopuses, like sea stars, regenerate?
- No
- If they lose a limb it grows back, but they can’t grow more than that
- If a leg is removed a new octopus will grow from it
- An new octopus is only regenerated if the removed part contains heart tissue
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. Octopuses can change color to precisely match their environment with chromatophores, or pigment cells, in their skin. Translated into a graphics program format, how many dots per inch (dpi) does the skin appear to have?
- 15 dpi
- 72 dpi
- 300 dpi
- 1200 dpi
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. The brain of the octopus is wrapped around its
- esophagus
- left eyeball
- spine
- heart
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. How many species of octopus have scientists identified?
- 300
- 1
- 50
- we have no idea
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
8. What do octopuses have more of?
- eyes
- mouths
- hearts
- they have the same number of all of these
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
9. “Octo,” means eight. What bout “pus,” what does that refer to?
- crus, meaning leg
- pus, meaning venom or corrupt matter
- pusus, meaning little boy
- ped, meaning foot
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
10. What’s a normal human hobby that octopuses also seem to enjoy?
- watching television
- playing darts
- braiding their hair
- gardening
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
11. What do octopuses do to disorient their predators?
- stare hypnotically into the predator’s eyes
- spin their tentacles rapidly to create a whirlpool
- expose their fearsome claws and teeth
- shoot out blinding clouds of ink
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
For bonus points, draw your own Fiberopticpus below!
*or higher!