Photos from 2013’s Open House Extravaganza: the snacks were delicious. The art was plentiful and varied. The crowd was friendly and the accordionist played on…
Chris Guillebeau discusses ‘$100 Startup’ @ Cruzio
Chris Guillebeau presented his new book ‘The $100 Startup’ on Monday, January 21st with over 175 people in Cruzio’s coworking space, Cruzioworks. Chris discussed the focus of his new book briefly but a majority of his time was spent as “Q&AA” which stands for Questions andAttempted Answers. Chris took questions from everything regarding his thoughts on self-publishing versus using a publishing company to which country he had left to visit (hint: he has ONE left…Norway!)
More information about Chris Guillebeau and ‘The $100 Startup’ can be found at
Cruzio on Martin Luther King Day
Cruzio is a service company and we must be open on most holidays. We thank our staff for supporting our members, and we try to honor and celebrate Martin Luther King day, even though we are at the office.
Here is an email from a Cruzio manager to the Cruzio Tech Support staff on an MLK day several years ago :
“From brittany Mon Jan 15 11:49:07 2001
Hi folks,
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How to Make a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich, by Cruzio Customer Service
Cruzio customer service has a challenging job. We need to help you with your computer, even though we aren’t in the room with you. That means our staff needs to be very good at explaining things.
What does that have to do with Peanut Butter and Jelly, that classic of American Cuisine?
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Cruzio’s Open House Extravaganza 2.0!
It’s BACK!
With over 1,400 attendees last year, we knew we had to throw another awesome party. We always love an excuse to celebrate, promote and support small business growth, entrepreneurs and telecommuters in our state-of-the-art downtown facility. You’ll be able to visit and talk with over 40 new businesses in one spot!The night will be a celebration for the entire Santa Cruz community. It’s also a chance for our coworkers to display their artwork as part of the First Friday Art Tour. Come meet the folks, see our space, enjoy yummy food from three food trucks, tasty drinks, free swag, local music and more.
See you down here.
Open Counter Press Conference
The City of Santa Cruz and Code for America, a national nonprofit that uses talented web professionals to improve government services, are proud to announce the public launch of OpenCounter, an online small business permitting system.
Designed and developed throughout 2012, OpenCounter reduces the confusion of starting a business by creating an online experience that helps small business owners discover the City forms, fees and time needed to set up shop and apply for them online in a single web session.
The smallest City ever to utilize a Code for America development team, Santa Cruz’s collaboration also saw the development of an open data portal at , new City Hall Wayfinding and newly painted bike lockers downtown.
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2012: Cruzio’s year in photos
Cruzio’s Industy — telecommunications — keeps changing and our valiant staff works hard to stay ahead of the curve. Every year, we adopt new technology and even invent new ways of doing business. 2012 was a busy year for us, culminating in a being named Business of the Year from the Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce (a huge honor!)Here’s a look back at we’ve done this past year.
Cruzio Launches “Launchies”
We work hard at Cruzioworks. Many small companies and individuals have their own goals but also help each other and find interesting ways to collaborate. We work all sorts of hours, use tremendous amounts of Internet and drink amazing amounts of caffeinated beverages.
And frequently, one of our coworking companies finishes a project. Elegant, useful, creative, marvelous: many products and projects have emerged from the Cruzioworks primordial soup.*
When you’ve met a deadline — finished a manuscript — put together an organization that’s ready to go — it’s a great feeling. A time for the whole community to celebrate.
So Cruzio invented the Launchies. That’s our answer to the Grammies, the Emmies, the Oscars. Every Cruzioworks coworker who launches a product, service or company just needs to let us know. They’ll be feted with champagne and treats, get publicity, and best of all receive the attractive “Launchie” award suitable for display.
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Cruzio’s Annual Staff Party 2012 – pt 2
More photos from Cruzio’s party…
Cruzio’s Annual Staff Party 2012 – pt 1
Last week, Cruzio had our staff party in our headquarters. We love our staff, they are what makes us so popular in our community and makes it great to work here. We rely on each other all year; every single staff member deserves accolades. Well, we did the best we could accolading, many thanks to Nikkie, Jahnai & Gershom for setting it all up: