A bad card was replaced on web hosting server host11.cruzio.com. All services should be restored and any mail that was sent during the outage should start delivering soon if it has not already.
11/24/2018 11:30am Hosting server Host11 down
Web hosting server Host11 has experienced a possible hardware failure. Engineers are currently working on the problem and will post updates as we get them. This will only effect customers with web hosting services on host11.cruzio.com and any mail sent during this time will be queued up and delivered once the server is back online.
11/11/2018 2:40PM – [RESOLVED] Hosting server Host10 down
Service has be restored to customers with web hosting on host10.
11/11/2018 1:40PM – Hosting server Host10 down
Cruzio network engineers are currently working on restoring service to customers with web hosting on host10.cruzio.com
Updates will be posted as they develop, we thank you for your patience.
10/29/2018 6:28am Shared Hosting Serving Host4 Needs Reboot
One of our shared web hosting servers, host 4, requires a reboot. All email is being queued up, and will be delivered once the server reboots. We appreciate your patience.
10/17/2018 11:25AM – [RESOLVED] Broadband outage in Watsonville
This outage has been resolved and service has been restored to all affected customers.
10/17/2018 10:55AM – Broadband outage in Watsonville
Cruzio customers in the Watsonville area with Wireless, Certified, Dedicated, and Enterprise Broadband service are currently down.
Cruzio engineers are actively investigating.
10/09/2018 12:45PM – [RESOLVED] network outage in Live Oak area
This network outage has been resolved, and connectivity has been restored to customers.
10/09/2018 8:45am – Network outage in Live Oak area UPDATE
PG&E is still having power issues in the area, though this may effect customers in areas with power. Engineers are en route to replace equipment that will circumvent the power issues.
10/09/2018 4:30am – Network outage in Live Oak area
Some customers in the Live Oak area may be experiencing an outage due to PGE power outages. Engineers are currently investigating.