AT&T is continuing to work on the upstream issue affecting the connection speeds of some of our legacy DSL customers. We don’t yet have an estimated time of completion, but we will update this status page as more information becomes available. We appreciate your patience.
3/30/16 – Legacy DSL Service Issue
AT&T is continuing to work on the upstream issue affecting the connection speeds of some of our legacy DSL customers. We don’t yet have an estimated time of completion, but we will update this status page as more information becomes available. We appreciate your patience.
3/29/16 – Legacy DSL Service Issue [Update]
AT&T is continuing to work on the upstream issue affecting the connection speeds of some of our legacy DSL customers. We don’t yet have an estimated time of completion, but we will update this status page as more information becomes available. We appreciate your patience.
3/28/16 – Legacy DSL Service Issue
We have identified an upstream service issue that is impacting the download speeds of some of our legacy DSL customers. We do not have an estimated time of repair at this time, but we will update this status message as more information becomes available. We appreciate your patience.
3/27/16 10:30AM – Outage at KP Arena RESOLVED
The connectivity outage at the Kaiser Permanente Arena has been resolved as of 10:30AM this morning.
3/26/16 @ 12:20pm – Host4 Restarting [RESOLVED]
We rebooted web hosting server in order to fix a stuck process, and the server is now back online. This only affected customers with web hosting services on host 4. Any mail sent during this time was queued and delivered once services were restored. We apologize for any inconvenience.
3/26/16 @ 12:50pm – Host 4 restarting
Due to a stuck process, webhosting server Host4 needs to be rebooted. All email will be queued. We appreciate your patience.
3/26/16 @ 10:30am – Outage at KP Arena
Cruzio engineers have identified a connectivity problem at the KP Arena and are working to resolve the issue. We will update this status message as updates become available, and we appreciate your patience.
3/20/16 @ 1:56pm – Host6 Reboot COMPLETE
Webhosting server Host6 has been rebooted. All queued mail will be delivered. Thank you for your patience.
3/20/16 @ 1:45pm – Webhosting Server Host6 Rebooting
Due to a stuck process, webhosting server Host6 needs to be rebooted. All email will be queued. We appreciate your patience.