2014-11-24 7:30am: Wireless network outage in downtown Santa Cruz

There has been a power failure at the site that feeds wireless internet to some of downtown Santa Cruz.  Customers fed off of that building will be affected, as will customers fed from the Chaminade Resort and Dream Inn which bridge off of this building.

Our techs are currently trying to replace the battery at the site, however PG&E has scheduled the outage to be resolved by 11AM at the latest.

2014-11-16 9:45AM – Wireless Network Outage in Westside, SC RESOLVED

As of 8:30AM, power has been restored to our wireless radios and routers that feed customers in Westside, Santa Cruz.  All Enterprise and Business Broadband customers are now back online.

This failure was similar to yesterday’s failure at the same time due to maintenance on the building and the circuit feeding our equipment being faulty.  It would normally be connected to a generator that would keep our equipment live during any maintenance, but unknown to us that circuit is not correctly connected to the generator.  The building maintenance is now over so we do not foresee any future power outages, and we have electricians scheduled to correctly route the circuit to the generator as it should be for any future outages.

2014-11-15 8:30am – Westside, Santa Cruz outage RESOLVED

As of 8:30AM, power has been restored to our wireless radios and routers that feed customers in Westside, Santa Cruz.  All Enterprise and Business Broadband customers are now back online.

This failure was from a faulty circuit that should have fed power from a backup generator on the site during a building-wide power outage.  This circuit is now scheduled for future maintenance so this type of power failure does not occur again.