Thank you

Your request has been received and we’ll be in touch soon with the next steps. Due to the nature of how this service is delivered and the often tricky rural terrain, our team will review your location and conduct an analysis using desktop mapping tools and touch base with you regarding the next step, usually within 5 business days.

Thank you again for your support, we look forward to getting you surfing the web at light speed!


Local: (831) 459-6301
Toll-free: (800) 303-3302
Fax: (831) 460-2839


Walk-in hours  
Monday-Friday: 9 AM-6 PM

Phone Hours
Monday-Friday: 8 AM-6 PM
Saturday: 10 AM-2 PM

Support Hours
Cruzio staff is on call 24/7 for system emergencies. Please check our status line at (831) 459-6301 if you suspect a system problem.

Help Us Bridge The Digital Divide: Support Equal Access Santa Cruz County.