Cruzio engineers will be be conducting maintenance at Piedmont Court on June 30th at 10am. This maintenance window will last two hours and will involve downtime for tenants at Piedmont Court.
6/28/2020 11:25pm – Server Host11 is down [RESOLVED]
All services have been restored and any mail sent during this time should be delivered shortly if not already.
6/28/2020 11:05pm – Server Host11 is down
We are currently experiencing problems with web hosting server Engineers are currently working on resolving the issue and will provide updates as we have more information. This should only effect customers with web hosting services on host11. Any mail sent during this time will be queued up and delivered once services are restored.
6/28/2020 9:15ppm – Server Host11 is down [RESOLVED]
All services for web hosting customers on host11 have been restored. Any mail send during the outage should be delivered shortly if not already.
6/28/2020 8:45ppm – Server Host11 is down
We are currently experiencing problems with web hosting server Engineers are currently working on resolving the issue and will provide updates as we have more information. This should only effect customers with web hosting services on host11. Any mail sent during this time will be queued up and delivered once services are restored.
6/26/2020 10:00PM-12:00AM – Wireless Pro maintenance for Downtown, Beach Flats, and West Cliff areas
Cruzio engineers will be conducting maintenance on equipment that serves some Wireless Pro customers in the Downtown, Beach Flats, and West Cliff areas on Friday, June 26th from 10PM to 12AM. Downtime during this window should only be a few minutes.
This will not affect customers with Velocity, DSL, Dial-Up or Fiber services.
6/24/2020 4:00PM – Email connectivity issues for some Cruzio email mailboxes [RESOLVED]
This issue is now resolved. Some customers may notice temporarily slow email retrieval as more mailboxes are brought back online.
6/24/2020 1:15PM – Email connectivity issues for some Cruzio email mailboxes
Some email customers will be unable to access webmail due to a problem upstream. Engineers are working on the issue. This issue is not affecting domain hosted email mailboxes.
6/24/2020 10AM-12PM – Maintenance for some Wireless Pro Customers in DeLaveaga and downtown Santa Cruz areas
Cruzio engineers will be conducting maintenance on equipment that serves some Wireless Pro customers in the DeLaveaga and downtown Santa Cruz areas on Wednesday, June 24th from 10AM to 12PM. Downtime during this window should only be a few minutes.
6/17/2020 1:45PM – Wireless Pro and Dedicated service interruption for some customers in downtown Santa Cruz [RESOLVED]
This issue is now resolved.