Web hosting server host6.cruzio.com is temporarily being taken down to perform emergency maintenance as well as replacing components that will prevent future down time. This will only effect customers with web hosting services on Plesk hosting server host6. Any mail sent during this time will be queued up and delivered once services are restored. This could take up to an hour, but we don’t anticipate it taking that long.
07/30/2018 10:10pm – Host7 emergency maintenance [COMPLETE]
All work has been completed and all services should be restored. Any mail sent during the down time should be queued up and delivered shortly.
07/30/2018 10pm – Host7 emergency maintenance
Web hosting server host7.cruzio.com is temporarily being taken down to perform emergency maintenance as well as replacing components that will prevent future down time. This will only effect customers with web hosting services on Plesk hosting server host7. Any mail sent during this time will be queued up and delivered once services are restored. This could take up to an hour, but we don’t anticipate it taking that long.
07/30/2018 6:15am Shared Hosting Serving Host4 Needs Reboot
One of our shared web hosting servers, host 4, requires a reboot. All email is being queued up, and will be delivered once the server reboots. We appreciate your patience.
07/26/2018 4:00PM – virtual private server vps1.cruziohost.com [UPDATE]
All customers on vps1.cruziohost.com were moved to vps2.cruziohost.com shortly after the vps1 had a failure on 7/13. We apologize for the delay in this update as the services on vps1 have been restored as of the same day of the original outage.
07/13/2018 9:00AM – virtual private server vps1.cruzio.com down
Cruzio network engineers are currently working on restoring service to customers with virtual private server hosts on vps1.cruzio.com.
07/13/2018 4:00PM – [RESOLVED] Wireless Pro broadband outage in Capitola
This outage has been resolved and service has been restored to affected customers.
07/13/2018 1:50PM – Wireless Pro broadband outage in Capitola
Customers with Wireless Pro broadband access service in Capitola are currently down due to a power outage. We have field operations techs en-route to deploy a replacement battery for our equipment for the duration the PG&E outage.
07/06/2018 3:20PM – [RESOLVED] Certified Building Broadband outage at 133 Mission
This outage has been resolved, and service has been restored to 133 Mission.
06/14/2018 3:30pm – Wireless Pro outage in North Scotts Valley [RESOLVED]
Engineers were able to restore services.