Web hosting server host6 is being rebooted to clear a stuck process. Any mail sent during this time should be queued up and delivered once services are restored. I anticipate that the server should be up again shortly after this network status is posted.
01/17/17 06:35am – [UPDATE] Web hosting server host7 is being rebooted to clear stuck processes
Web hosting server host7.cruzio.com is now back up and all services are restored. Any mail sent during this downtime has been queued up and will be delivered shortly, if not already. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused on your Tuesday morning and have a great day.
01/17/17 06:15am- Web hosting server host7 is being rebooted to clear stuck processes
Web hosting server host7.cruzio.com is being rebooted to clear stuck processes. Services are expected to be down for approximately 10 minutes. This will only affect web hosting customers with services on host7. Email will be queued up and delivered once the services are restored. We apologize for any inconvenience and will post an update as soon as services are running. Thanks for your patience.
1/11/2017 9:42AM – Daily Business Broadband outages in the Weston Road area
Due to an ongoing PG&E power outage from this weekend’s storm, customers in the Weston Road area of Scotts Valley will be subject to internet outages every evening from 10:00PM to 6:00AM. There is a third-party owned and operated generator onsite that powers our gear, and to conserve fuel and power usage, the generator will be turned off at 10:00PM, and turned back on at 6:00AM.
This will continue through this Friday 1/13/17. We will amend this status as we receive updates.
1/10/2017 12:00am – Service interruption due to power outage for Business Broadband customers off of Weston Road
Business broadband customers that are connected off of our equipment on Weston Road may see downtime due to a power outage in the area. PG&E is working to resolve the problem, and Cruzio engineers will be ready to dispatch out if necessary once power has been restored to the area.
1/9/2017 9:45AM – Weston Road, Scotts Valley Business Broadband outage
The generator providing power to Cruzio’s wireless networking infrastructure in the Weston Road area of Scotts Valley is currently undergoing maintenance due to extended usage during the recent storm.
We have an estimated time of noon today (Monday, 1/9) for the maintenance to be complete and the generator restarted.
1/8/2017 1:50PM – [RESOLVED] Issues with Rattlebrain.com email
An issue that began late this morning 1/8/17 which was preventing some rattlebrain.com users from accessing their email has been resolved as of about 1:50pm this afternoon. Thank you for your patience.
1/7/17 – 1/8/17 – Powerful Storms in the Santa Cruz area
There is a powerful storm expected in our area this weekend, especially tonight Saturday 1/7/17 and into Sunday 1/8/17. Although Cruzio will be staffed up and rolling all weekend with prevention and repairs, there may be some power outages or sites we can’t immediately reach, especially while wind and rain persist. We take any interruption in service seriously and rest assured we will do our best to keep outages to a minimum.
1/4/2017 11:20AM – Harvey West area Business Broadband outage
Power has been restored to a majority of customers in the Harvey West area, but not to our distribution point that feeds customers. Our batteries have been exhausted at this distribution point, and our field crews are currently working on replacing these to restore service as soon as possible.
12/15/2016 2:15pm – Rebooting host2.cruzio.com
Rebooting server host2.cruzio.com to fix a stuck process. This should only effect customers with web hosting on host2. Any mail sent during this time will be queued and delivered once services have been restored.