Your Cruzio Email

We know email is an important part of your day and how frustrating it can be when it’s unavailable.

If you’ve been affected by Cruzio’s email outages this week, our apologies. To bring our email back online as quickly as possible—and avoid any further outages—we’ve moved our email over to a different server. This will allow folks to send and receive email normally. Any saved emails will temporarily be unavailable, but should be accessible on Friday, 7/15.

We apologize for the unexpected disruption and expect this fix to resolve the issue.

If you want up-to-the-minute updates, you can: follow @cruzio_support on Twitter, subscribe to our RSS feed, or check out our Network Status page.

New Tech Meetup, July 6 2011

Cruzioworks hosted a New Tech Meetup session, attended by many of Santa Cruz’s geekiest citizens. The Meetup, headed by David Britton, always has interesting presentations and is a great way to meet other local technologists and see what’s going on in town. If you haven’t already, join at their website  — it’s easy and free of charge.

The speakers:

Shane Pearlman and Hilary Bryant presented their group, the Santa Cruz City Technical Task Force. This committee consists of local technologists from a variety of backgrounds who volunteered to help the City find ways to streamline policies and procedures.
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Techraising — Portraits

People we saw at the Techraising.

Everyone was pretty energized, even after a couple of late nights. I’m not good with names so I won’t even try to attribute all the photos… just the first few.

First up are the awesome organizers.  (Lots more info about the techraising on ).

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Techraising — The Event

Margaret Rosas, Andrew Mueller and Matthew Swinnerton are the forces behind the Techraising on May 20-22. We were lucky to have it at Cruzioworks, it was a blast.

It started with a line of people waiting to pitch their startup ideas.About 30 people had about 35 ideas (some got so enthusiastic they pitched more than one).

The ideas ranged from a new type of shell for pickup trucks to a video game that lets you create a wall from something you photograph — then shoot the wall to bits. (“Very satisfying” commented the presenter).

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Fiber Night: Oh What a Night!

Last Friday Cruzio put on the ritz. Fiber Night!

In the context of the Internet, “fiber” is the way we transport data from one place to another — really, really fast. With lasers.

To celebrate Cruzio’s new fiber connection to the Internet, we held a big party. With lasers.

People enjoyed our fantastic coworking space, opened up to the public for the evening.

The fiber connection is the beginning of our new independent high-speed network.
We are now offering connections at 100+Mbps — even connections over a gigabit per second! And we’ll soon be revamping our lower-cost services too (we’re looking at late summer for an unveiling).

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Rain, wind, power and email

What a wet and wild week it’s been. Yesterday’s storms did tremendous damage throughout the county, taking out roads and trees and, for a short period, Cruzio’s email, phone and web servers. With limited power supply, we focused our energies on our customers’ services over our own internal systems and communication tools. Now those services are restored, we wanted to check in and let you know what happened here, and what we’re doing about it.
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