Category: Shopsite

Create a Wholesale Section in Classic ShopSite

Create a Wholesale Section in ShopSite on a Classic Domain

This information applies to Classic Cruzio domain hosting. If you purchased Web and domain hosting with Cruzio before July 2006, you likely have a Classic domain. Otherwise, you may have Cruzio’s Website Hosting services.

» Website Hosting Wholesale Instructions


This help page explains how to set up a wholesale section in your ShopSite store. (Wholesale is the sale of goods to other retailers for resale purposes.) It can be used to sell products in larger quantities, at different prices, and to change other details relating to your products as needed.

Creating a wholesale directory in your Web space

First, you’ll need to create a new area, or directory, to hold your wholesale page or pages.

  1. Launch an FTP program, such as FileZilla or CyberDuck. Using your FTP login and password (which may be different from your ShopSite login and password), connect to your domain’s Web space.
  2. In your FTP program, go to your pub_html directory.
  3. Look for your ShopSite directory, which should have the same name as your ShopSite username. Go to this directory.
  4. Inside this directory, create a new directory, and name it wholesale.

Protecting your wholesale directory with a password

You should keep your wholesale directory password-protected. If anyone tries to visit the wholesale area of your store, they will be prompted to log in with a username and password.

  1. Go to and enter your domain name. Select “Control Panel” and click “Go”. Then log in with your admin username and password.
  2. Click the Manage URL Passwords button.
  3. In the Add/Change Password Protected URL section, enter the URL of your wholesale directory. For example:

    where is your domain name and shopsite-directory is your ShopSite directory (the one that you created the wholesale folder in).

    In the Title section, enter any descriptive title you like. This is just for your own identification purposes and has no effect on your directory.

    Click “Add/Change URL lock.”

  4. Locate the “Add/Change User” section. From the drop down menu, select the URL you added in step 3.Create a username and password for your wholesale section by filling out the fields provided, then click “Add/Change URL user.”
  5. Password protection is complete.

Creating your wholesale page

Have Cruzio change the directory “owner”

Before you can proceed, you’ll need Cruzio to help you. So that your ShopSite can access your new wholesale directory, contact Cruzio and ask that we change the ownership of the wholesale directory to www. Please refer to this document when you contact Cruzio.

Add a new page in ShopSite

After Cruzio has made that change, you can use ShopSite to create a page to contain your wholesale products:

  1. Log in to your ShopSite admin page.
  2. Click the Pages icon.
  3. Create a new page by clicking “Add a Page”.
  4. Customize your wholesale page as you like.In the Advanced Info section, set “File name” to

    where filename is whatever word you’d like, as long as it does not contain spaces or uppercase letters.

    When you’ve finished editing the page, click Save.

Add products to your wholesale page

Now, populate your wholesale page with products:

  1. Click the Products icon.
  2. If you have a wholesale product already created, click List All Products and locate your wholesale product. Select it and click Edit Product Info.If you do not already have a wholesale product created, click the Add a Product button.
  3. Locate the Product Pages section and click the Select button.In the list under “Product is not in these pages”, select your wholesale page and then click Add.Click OK.
  4. Customize the rest of the product settings as you wish. When you’re done, click Save Changes.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for any additional wholesale products.

Publish the new page

Now, Shopsite just needs to recognize your new page. There should be a yellow tab in the upper right corner of the ShopSite admin page that says Publish. Click Publish, let it process, and it will say “Done!” when complete.

If you do not see the Publish tab, click the Utilities icon instead. Then click the Publish button. Finally, click the Regenerate button. It will say “Done!” when complete.

Your wholesale page is now online. To have a look at it, go to

where is your domain name and filename is the file name you chose earlier for your wholesale page. You will be prompted for a login and password, which are the ones you set up earlier. Once you’ve logged in, you will be able to see your new wholesale page.

Inviting your resellers to your wholesale store

Contact your resellers, and provide them with the address of your new wholesale page, along with the username and password.

How to put ShopSite page links in custom order

ShopSite makes it easy to link your store pages to each other. However, there’s no simple way to put those page links in the order you prefer. If you take the time to follow the procedure below, though, you can order your page links however you like.

The instructions below assume you have ShopSite Manager or Pro. If you only have Starter, you don’t have the PowerEdit tool, so you’ll need to change settings for each individual page, one at a time.

1. Log into your ShopSite control panel and go to Pages. Select all your pages and click PowerEdit.

2. In the Information box, select Link Name. Below, select Individual. Click Proceed.

3. Give each page a Link Name that is the text you want to appear in the page link. Save Changes.

4. Select all pages and click PowerEdit. In the Information box, select Name. Below, select Individual. Click Proceed.

5. Give each page a Name that starts with a number. I suggest names like “1: books” and “2: cds” etc. etc. (You may even want to number by 10’s or 100’s so that you can insert other pages between them in the future.) Of course, number them in the order you want the links to display. Save changes.

6. Select all pages and click PowerEdit. In the Layout box, select Display Name? Below, select Global. Click Proceed.

7. Uncheck the Name Toggle. Save Changes.

8. Select all pages and click PowerEdit. In the Layout box, select Order. Below, select Global. Click Proceed.

9. Set Order to Ascending. Save Changes.

10. Select all pages and click PowerEdit. In the Layout box, select Pages Sort Field. Below, select Global. Click Proceed.

11. Set the Page Sort Field to Name. Save Changes.

What you’ve just done is given each page a “behind-the-scenes” name that is not displayed on the page, but controls where the link to that page shows up in the list of links.

Server Side Includes (SSI) with ShopSite

Server Side Includes (SSI) with ShopSite

What are Server Side Includes?

Server Side Includes, also know as SSI, is a server side scripting language that allows you to add dynamically generated content on your static HTML web pages.

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What does SSI do?

Generally SSI is used to change elements of a static page into dynamic without using any other dynamic technology, such as CGI or PHP. For instance, if you want to have an up-to-date weather report, you could implement a Server Side Include in order to update the information periodically.

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Why would you use SSI with ShopSite?

ShopSite pages are static by default. But with SSI, you can include a snippet of text or HTML in many places, while only having to update the snippet’s content in one file.

For example, if your level of ShopSite supports inventory tracking, you could use a ShopSite custom template tag that uses SSI to display the product quantity on hand.

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How do you enable SSI for your ShopSite pages?

In order to include SSI to Shopsite, it is necessary to change the file extension on the page you want the SSI to be on. By default, Shopsite sets the file extension to .html on all pages except the ‘Shopping Cart’ (which is set to .shtml). Any page you want to use SSI on, you need to change the file extension from .html to .shtml.

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How do you change file extensions from .html to .shtml?

  1. Log into ShopSite account.
  2. Click on ‘Pages’.
  3. Select a page that needs to be edited and click ‘Edit Page Content’.
  4. At the bottom of the page under ‘Advanced Info’, edit the file name from ‘yourfile.html’ to yourfile.shtml’. Note the letter ‘s’ inserted in front of ‘html’.
  5. Click ‘Save Changes’.

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ShopSite Help Resources

More small-to medium-sized businesses rely on ShopSite than any other Internet commerce software.

ShopSite’s Built-In Help


ShopSite comes with built-in context-sensitive help. When you are on any screen in the back office of your ShopSite, just click on the question mark icon in the right-hand corner of the menu to get help for that screen.

More ShopSite Resources

  • ShopSite Help Center
    Browse or search all the ShopSite help pages.
  • ShopSite User Forum
    Search the official ShopSite forum for information—or join for no charge, post a question and get quick answers from other ShopSite users and programmers.
  • Credit Card Processing in ShopSite
    If you want to process credit card payments automatically instead of manually, see this short, easy guide.

ShopSite Help From Cruzio

If you have any technical problems with ShopSite, please contact Cruzio Support. We’ll work to make sure your Cruzio ShopSite service works correctly.

Adding New Features to Your ShopSite

When you purchase ShopSite, Cruzio installs the current version. Over time, new versions of ShopSite, with new features, become available. You can contact Cruzio if you would like to purchase an upgrade for your ShopSite store.

If you’re interested, see ShopSite’s complete list of features.

Using Secure Image URLs in ShopSite

For ShopSite users, every image on a secure page, such as checkout pages, should be at a Secure URL. Otherwise, shoppers’ browsers may display security warnings. This help page describes how to ensure that images on secure pages are at a Secure URL.

Uploading Images to Your Media Folder

ShopSite provides a folder labeled Media for uploading your images to. Images in this folder are assigned a Secure URL for use on your ShopSite secure pages.

  1. Log into your ShopSite admin page.
  2. Click the “Images” icon.
  3. Make sure “Media” is highlighted under the Directories column, then click the “Upload Images” button.
  4. If you want to upload more than one image, click the drop down menu for “Number of images to upload” and select the number of images you want to upload.
  5. For each image you want to upload, click the “Browse” button and locate your image. Once all your images have been selected, click the “Upload” button.

Your images will now have been uploaded to the Media folder.

Enable Secure URL

ShopSite has a setting that is specifically for using the drop down menus in its interface to select an image from the Media directory. ShopSite will then automatically know both the Secure and Non-Secure URL to that image and use them accordingly. So a secure page on ShopSite, such as a check out page, will know to use the Secure URL of the image.

  1. Log into your ShopSite admin page.
  2. Click the “Preferences” icon.
  3. Click the “Hosting Service” button.
  4. Under the SSL Security Settings section, locate “Use SSL security in Shopping Cart”. If that checkbox in not checked, click it to enable it.
  5. Locate “Secure Store URL”.

    If you are on Classic hosting, this should be set to:

    Where # will match the number you see while logged into your ShopSite admin page in the URL at the top of your browser following the ‘https://www’. For example, if at the top of your browser the URL starts with ‘https://www4’, then the URL in “Secure Store URL” should show:

    If you are on Website Hosting services, this should be set to:

    Where store-subdomain is the store’s subdomain (or name of your store) and is your domain name. For example, if the URL for your ShopSite store is normally, “shop” would be the store-subdomain and would be the domain name. Then in this example, the URL in “Secure Store URL” should show:

  6. Click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.

Now any page on your ShopSite admin interface that has a drop down menu for images will automatically use the Secure URL for the image on a secure page.

Image URLs

In addition to the image drop down menus in the ShopSite interface, you can also display these images by typing the full URLs in appropriate fields in your ShopSite configuration. Also, if the “Secure Store URL” is not set, or is not set correctly, you will have to manually enter the full https URL to each image.

If you are on Classic hosting, the URL for an image in the Media folder will be:

Where is your domain name, shopsite-directory is the name of your ShopSite directory (which should have the same name as your ShopSite username), and image.jpg is the name of the image you uploaded to the Media folder (the .jpg extension was just used as an example, you are not limited to that extension).

If you are on Website Hosting services, the URL for an image in the Media folder will be:

Where store-subdomain is the store’s subdomain (or name of your store), is your domain name, and image.jpg is the name of the image you uploaded to the Media folder (the .jpg extension was just used as an example, you are not limited to that extension).