Santa Cruz Fiber: West Side vs East Side and Street by Street

Do West Siders Value Internet More?

The City of Santa Cruz is neatly divided into East and West by the Mighty San Lorenzo River. Neatly, but not quite equally — 12 fiber neighborhoods are on the East Side, and 14 on the West.

But that difference doesn’t account for the difference in surveys between the two sides of town. After 1,244 surveys were completed, it looks like we’ve gotten more of a response from people on the West Side than on the the East.


How can we reach more East Siders? Let us know  — contact us with your ideas!

What About Your Street?

People tend to get their neighbors involved in community projects — it’s just natural to talk to the folks next door or down the street. We know friends and neighbors are more influential than TV and radio, so we thought it would be fun to see which neighbors are doing the best job of communicating the Gigabit Internet project.

Here are the top streets, on a graph. Congratulations, Hagar Court and Ranch View Road! You are not big streets, but you’re going strong with 21 surveys each and really helping the project along. The next several leaders are also on the West Side — Escalona, Laurel Street, Western Drive, and Dickens Way. The highest count for an East Side street is Fairmount Avenue, with 14 respondents.


A full list of all survey respondents, by street, is below. Where’s your street? If it’s not on the list, no one has filled out a survey.

ps. Have you taken the survey? Do it now:

Hagar Ct : 21, Ranch View Rd : 21, Escalona Dr : 18, Laurel St : 17, Western Dr : 16,
 Dickens Way : 15, King St : 15, Fairmount Ave : 14, Highland Ave : 13, Marnell Ave : 13,
 Bay St : 12, Pacific Ave : 12, Walk Circle : 12, Arroyo Seco : 11, Delaware Ave : 11,
 High St : 11, John St : 11, N Pacific Ave : 11, Oxford Way : 11, Pacheco Ave : 11,
 California St : 10, Pelton Ave : 10, Walnut Ave : 10, Broadway : 9, Columbia St : 9,
 Grandview St : 9, Maple St : 9, N Branciforte Ave : 9, Nobel Dr : 9, Wilkes Circle : 9,
 Dufour St : 8, Laurent St : 8, Linden St : 8, Mission St : 8, National St : 8, Segri Pl : 8,
 Trevethan Ave : 8, Van Ness Ave : 8, Cayuga St : 7, Chestnut St : 7, Felix St : 7,
 Isbel Dr : 7, Lee St : 7, Park Way : 7, Plateau Ave : 7, San Juan Ave : 7, Seaside St : 7,
 Spring St : 7, Stanford Ave : 7, Sumner St : 7, Trescony St : 7, Windsor St : 7,
 Younglove Ave : 7, Alta Ave : 6, Bethany Curve : 6, Caledonia St : 6, Frederick St : 6,
 Jackson St : 6, Laguna St : 6, Market St : 6, Meadow Rd : 6, Ocean St : 6,
 Ocean View Ave : 6, Palmetta St : 6, Palo Verde Terrace : 6, Peach Terrace : 6,
 Peyton St : 6, Ross St : 6, Soquel Ave : 6, W Cliff Dr : 6, Washington St : 6,
 3rd St : 5, Alamo Ave : 5, Bradley Dr : 5, Clinton St : 5, Esmeralda Dr : 5,
 Fair Ave : 5, Getchell St : 5, Gharkey St : 5, Lighthouse Ave : 5, Monterey St : 5,
 Morrissey Blvd : 5, Myrtle St : 5, Ortalon Ave : 5, Rigg St : 5, Woodrow Ave : 5,
 2nd St : 4, Anthony St : 4, Auburn Ave : 4, Avalon St : 4, Belvedere Terrace : 4,
 Brookside Ave : 4, Campbell St : 4, Chace St : 4, Coulson Ave : 4, Darwin St : 4,
 Errett Circle : 4, Fridley Dr : 4, Goss Ave : 4, Grant St : 4, Hanover St : 4,
 Ingalls St : 4, Liberty St : 4, Locust St : 4, Majors St : 4, Melrose Ave : 4,
 Mountain View Ave : 4, Naglee Ave : 4, Nevada St : 4, Pearl St : 4, Pine Pl : 4,
 Poplar Ave : 4, Riverside Ave : 4, S Branciforte Ave : 4, Seabright Ave : 4, Serra Ct : 4,
 Swift St : 4, Union St : 4, Windham St : 4, Almar Ave : 3, Alta Vista Dr : 3,
 Anderson St : 3, Annie Ln : 3, Baldwin St : 3, Berkeley Ct : 3, Berkshire Ave : 3,
 Berry St : 3, Carbonera Dr : 3, Cedar St : 3, Centennial St : 3, Center St : 3,
 Clark Ave : 3, Cliff St : 3, Crestview Terrace : 3, De La Costa Ave : 3, E Cliff Dr : 3,
 Hagemann Ave : 3, Harbor Dr : 3, Hebard St : 3, Hillcrest Terrace : 3, Jessie St : 3,
 Josefa Way : 3, Kalkar Dr : 3, Lincoln St : 3, Magnolia St : 3, Merced Ave : 3,
 Moore St : 3, Olive St : 3, Otis St : 3, Pennsylvania Ave : 3, Prospect Heights : 3,
 Rincon St : 3, River St : 3, Robinson Ln : 3, Rocky Rd : 3, Sacramento Ave : 3,
 Shaffer Rd : 3, Stockton Ave : 3, Storey St : 3, Sunset Ave : 3, Torrey Pine Terrace : 3,
 Wendell St : 3, 3rd Ave : 2, 4th Ave : 2, Allegro Dr : 2, Arbor Ave : 2, Archer Dr : 2,
 Arroyo Pl : 2, Atlantic Ave : 2, Beachview Ave : 2, Bellevue St : 2, Belmont St : 2,
 Berkeley Way : 2, Blackburn St : 2, Blaine St : 2, Brookwood Dr : 2, Buena Vista Ave : 2,
 Button St : 2, California Ave : 2, Calvin Pl : 2, Carbonera Ct : 2, Cardiff Pl : 2,
 Catalpa St : 2, Chico Ave : 2, Chrystal Terrace : 2, Clay St : 2, Cooper St : 2,
 Dakota Ave : 2, Elk St : 2, Emeline Ave : 2, Encinal St : 2, Estates Dr : 2,
 Everson Dr : 2, Forest Ave : 2, Glenwood Ave : 2, Hall St : 2, Hollywood Ave : 2,
 Hubbard St : 2, Hunolt St : 2, James St : 2, Jeter St : 2, Jewell St : 2, Kenneth St : 2,
 La Fonda Ave : 2, Marine Parade : 2, Mariner Park Way : 2, McMillan Ct : 2,
 McMillan Dr : 2, McPherson St : 2, Meder St : 2, Mentel Ave : 2, Miramar Dr : 2,
 Northrop Pl : 2, Pasture Rd : 2, Pilkington Ave : 2, Pine St : 2, Plymouth St : 2,
 Quarry Ln : 2, Rooney St : 2, Roxas St : 2, Sadi St : 2, San Jose Ave : 2, Santa Cruz St : 2,
 Scenic St : 2, Seton Way : 2, Southview Terrace : 2, Sutphen St : 2, Sylvar St : 2,
 Tosca Terrace : 2, Tree Frog Ln : 2, Village Circle : 2, Vista Bella Dr : 2,
 Wavecrest Ave : 2, Woods St : 2, Younger Way : 2, 1st Ave : 1, 1st St : 1, 4th Ave : 1, Acacia Way : 1,
 Alamo Ave : 1, Anderson St : 1, Avalon St : 1, Baldwin St : 1, Bay St : 1, Baymount St : 1,
 Belvedere Terrace : 1, Bethany Curve : 1, Broadway : 1, Bronson St : 1, Buena Vista Ave : 1,
 Calvin Pl : 1, Campbell St : 1, Carbonera Dr : 1, Chico Ave : 1, Chrystal Terrace : 1,
 Clay St : 1, Clinton St : 1, Coalinga Way : 1, Columbia St : 1, Coulson Ave : 1,
 Crestview Terrace : 1, De La Costa Ave : 1, Delaware Ave : 1, Delaware Ave #68 : 1,
 Dickens Way : 1, Dimond St : 1, E Cliff Dr : 1, Easterby Ave : 1, Echo St : 1, Elk St : 1,
 Errett Circle : 1, Escalona Dr : 1, Escalona Drive : 1, Felix St : 1, Fridley Dr : 1,
 Front St : 1, Glenwood Ave : 1, Goss Ave : 1, Harbor Dr : 1, Harmony Ct : 1,
 Harrison Ave : 1, Hebard St : 1, Heller Drive : 1, High St : 1, Highland Ave : 1,
 Hubbard St : 1, Ingalls St : 1, Iowa Dr : 1, James St : 1, Josefa Way : 1, Kalkar Dr : 1,
 King St : 1, Kirby St : 1, La Fonda Ave : 1, Laurel St : 1, Lighthouse Ave : 1,
 Locust St : 1, Logan St : 1, Magnolia St : 1, Marnell Ave : 1, Mary Case Ln : 1,
 Merced Ave : 1, Mesa Ln : 1, Miller Ct : 1, Mission St : 1, Morrissey Blvd : 1,
 Mountain View Ave : 1, Naglee Ave : 1, National St : 1, Northrop Pl : 1, Olive St : 1,
 Oregon St : 1, Ortalon Ave : 1, Otis St : 1, Palo Verde Terrace : 1, Pelton Ave : 1,
 Peyton St : 1, Pine St : 1, Poplar Ave : 1, Potrero St : 1, Prospect Heights : 1,
 Ranch View Rd : 1, Rankin St : 1, Redwood St : 1, Robinson Ln : 1, Rooney St : 1,
 San Juan Ave : 1, Scenic St : 1, Seaside St : 1, Shaffer Rd : 1, Sheldon Ave : 1,
 Shelter Lagoon Dr : 1, Spring St : 1, Stockton Ave : 1, Storey St : 1, elk street : 1,
 Sumner St : 1, Sunset Ave : 1, Sutphen St : 1, Tosca Terrace : 1, Trevethan Ave : 1,
 Van Ness Ave : 1, Vernon St : 1, Walnut Ave : 1, Wavecrest Ave : 1, Wendell St : 1,
 Western Dr : 1, Western Dr. : 1, Westmoor Ct : 1, Windsor St : 1

Santa Cruz Fiber: How Is Your Neighborhood Doing?

After the first 1,244 surveys, we stopped and took a snapshot so you can see how your neighborhood is doing. (We meant to count at 1,000 surveys but they were coming in really fast!)

The more Cruzio customers and survey takers a neighborhood has, the higher up it can go on the list. If you’re a Cruzio customer and take the survey, even better.

Surveys are particularly important for neighborhoods that are complicated or far from downtown. If it’s complicated to lay fiber to your area, we really need to see a lot of interest!

(Remember, to see a map of neighborhoods, look at our previous blog post. Or just take the survey, when you put in your address you’ll see what neighborhood you’re in.)

First of all, check out the pins below. People in every neighborhood in Santa Cruz have said they want gigabit Internet.


Which neighborhood had the most surveys out of the first 1,244? Here’s a chart:


You can see that certain neighborhoods have way more people contributing than others.

When you look at percentages, though, the neighborhoods are a lot closer. It makes sense — the smallest number of surveys comes from Harvey West, and few people live there. When you look at the percentages, though, you’ll see neighborhoods aren’t so different. Just a few extra surveys can have a big effect.


Every survey makes a difference! Remember to tell friends and family to take the survey.

Fiber Neighborhoods in the City of Santa Cruz

To get fiber to every building in the City of Santa Cruz, Cruzio has divided the town up into 26 separate neighborhoods. Each will have its own hub leading back to Cruzio’s powerful Internet backbone.

Every neighborhood has about 1,000 homes or fewer, based on what a hub can comfortably accommodate and how the terrain is laid out. Our engineers drew borders along major roads and environmental barriers like arroyos or creeks.

We’ll build to as many neighborhoods as we can right off the bat. And neighborhoods will have priority based on several factors, the most important of which is enthusiasm. If we know we’ll have plenty of customers in a neighborhood, we’ll be much more likely to build there.

To see who’s interested, we put a survey up at The survey, along with a count of our existing customers, will be critical in determining whose neighborhood gets gigabit service first.

How’s your neighborhood doing? Check the next blog post to see.

Here’s a map showing where the neighborhoods lie:

Fiber neighborhoods in Santa Cruz

Fiber neighborhoods in Santa Cruz

Internet Around Santa Cruz County


Cruzio is excited to be building competitive community fiber in the City of Santa Cruz. But we know there’s a lot more to be done around the County.

Cruzio is a Santa Cruz County-based provider — our business and employees are all local. We have members from Boulder Creek to Pajaro and everywhere in between. So we care a lot about good infrastructure all around the County, enabling us to serve all our customers. And almost everywhere, the infrastructure we need for the future still needs to be built. Installing it will be a big job.

Cruzio has to invest one step at a time, and the City of Santa Cruz is first for a number of reasons:
  1. We already have two fiber hubs and a data center in the City. It’s efficient for us to build out from here.
  2. The City of Santa Cruz has been extremely interested and helpful in planning a project with us.
  3. We’ve got to start somewhere.

What Cruzio’s Doing to Improve Service Around the County

We’re working on other areas too. Here’s what is happening around the County:

1. We’ve already started putting fiber around the County. We have built out a fiber hub in Scotts Valley and, with the help of the City of Watsonville, are planning one in that city too.

2. Our fiber-backed wireless network reaches many areas. Wireless technology has come a long way in the last few years and we are confident it’s as fast and as reliable as wired networks. (The issue with wireless isn’t quality — it’s how many people we can serve.) When we can reach you, we guarantee you will love the service.

3. Cruzio pushed hard for the Sunesys project, which will bring a fiber backbone down the middle of Santa Cruz County in the next few years and will help us connect houses and businesses throughout the area.

4. We are hoping to replicate the model we’re using for the City of Santa Cruz for other areas of the County that have similar community support.

5. Cruzio is working with local officials like Assemblyman Mark Stone, Supervisor Zach Friend (a shout out to Stone and Friend staffers Kieran Kelly and Patrick Mulhearn!) and others. We regularly speak at meetings encouraging community activism on broadband infrastructure. We’re an active member of the Central Coast Broadband Consortium. We are pushing hard for anything that will help get broadband to lower income and hard-to-reach areas.

What You Can Do to Encourage Broadband Around the County:
1. Let Cruzio know you want it: enter your location here and we will reach out to you.
2. Let your elected officials know it’s a priority.
3. Join our independent network as a customer. It’s a network: every point helps us reach other points.

Santa Cruz and the Big, Rare, Red Lunar Eclipse




If you’re like us at Cruzio, you get excited about planetary events. This Sunday, September 27th 2015, is a peachy one. There will be a total lunar eclipse at the same time there’s a harvest moon — the biggest moon of the year. The moon looks big when it’s close, and this is the closest it comes, or the “perigee.”  It will look 14% bigger than usual.

The moon will also look red. Here’s why.

Here’s when to look for the eclipse on the West Coast:

   Pacific Daylight Time (September 27, 2015)
   Partial umbral eclipse begins: 6:07 p.m. PDT on September 27
   Total eclipse begins: 7:11 p.m. PDT
   Greatest eclipse: 7:47 p.m. PDT
   Total eclipse ends: 8:23 p.m. PDT
   Partial eclipse ends: 9:27 p.m. PDT

Note that sunset on September 27th is supposed to occur at 6:58 pm. It won’t be fully dark for much of the event. This, plus our often-present fog, will make it less dependably spectacular than it might be in other parts of the country. If it’s too foggy to get a good look, as an alternative NASA will be streaming the event live. 

So will Sky and Telescope.

And you’ll be able to go back and look at the video afterward, if you miss it.

Here’s the visibility predicted for that day:


Fingers crossed for clear skies! See you under the moon…

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday to all you Cruzio folks out there! Here’s some fun events happening around your neighborhood this weekend!

1. First Friday Art Tour

First Friday

August 7, 2015

Happening every first Friday of the month, First Friday is an independent event designed to support a strong cultural environment through the promotion of Artists. Managed in conjunction with the participating Art venues, First Friday is a free event for enthusiastic Art Goers and an opportunity for our many talented Artists to exhibit and promote their work.

For more info. visit:


2. California Beer Festival Santa Cruz


August 7, 2015 – August 9, 2015

Happening at the Aptos Park, Saturday is Craft Beer Heaven with over 85 craft beers on tap, food, bocce ball and live entertainment. Sunday bring the family, blankets and chairs for the hamburger and hops music festival.

Best hamburgers, gourmet & fusion sliders, craft beer and an amazing live entertainment lineup.

Kids 12 and under are FREE. There is no beer sampling on Sunday but beer and food available for purchase.

For tickets and more info. visit:


3. Church Street FairChurch

August 8, 2015 – August 9, 2015  11 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Music and art all day for two days, Saturday and Sunday August 8th and 9th. There will be food, an array of music,  a crafts tent for kids, and lots of artwork!

For more info. visit:


4. Santa Cruz Shakespeare 2015 Summer Festival


June 30, 2015 – August 30, 2015

Santa Cruz Shakespeare brings to life professional, thought-provoking & passionate shakespearean theater. This season features: Much Ado About Nothing, Macbeth, The Liar and Fringe Show: The Rover (This weekend is the opening for The Liar). Performances take place in the Sinsheimer-Stanley Festival Glen in the Santa Cruz redwoods, one of the most beautiful theater venues in the nation.

For tickets and more info. visit:


5. Cabrillo Music Festival 


August 2, 2015 – August 16, 2015

Plan your Festival Experience with the Cabrillo Music Festival, including your choice of concerts, talks, meetups and more! During the first two weeks of August each year, audiences are joined by both preeminent and emerging composers, an orchestra of dedicated professional musicians and renowned guest artists from across the globe to give voice to works which are rarely more than a year or two old.

For tickets and more info. visit:

Cruzio Internet’s Certified Building Program Kicks into Full Drive.

The beginning of the summer has seen Cruzio Internet go into full drive delivering high speed Internet distribution in Santa Cruz County. In the last year, Cruzio has introduced a new enterprise-level, 100 Mbps broadband service to multiple locations in Santa Cruz and plans to expand even further. The Cruzio Certified Building Program is designed to provide building owners and their tenants access to the fastest broadband services available.

Continue reading

The Santa Cruz Fiber Project

A Bold Vision for a 21st Century Santa Cruz:
With encouragement from our community, Cruzio Internet and the City of Santa Cruz have formed a public-private partnership to develop a city-wide Gigabit fiber to the premise network.

Under the terms of the partnership, the City will own the network, and Cruzio will act as the developer during engineering and construction and as the operator when the network is complete. Financing for the development of the network will be through City-backed municipal revenue bonds, repaid through the revenue from the sale of network services (and not by the taxpayers). The project will be financially self-sustaining and 100% of the profit generated will stay in the City of Santa Cruz.

The goal of the network is to provide affordable gigabit and multigigabit services to as many of the 22,000 residences and business in the City of Santa Cruz as possible. A locally-owned, next-generation broadband network operated openly and independently and built for Santa Cruz, it is uniquely tailored to fit the diverse needs of the Santa Cruz community.


How did this plan come about?

For most of our 25-year history, Cruzio has leased copper phone lines to carry Internet to homes and businesses, paying millions of dollars per year to non-local companies for increasingly inadequate infrastructure.

When a single fiber cut in 2009 left most of Santa Cruz without telecommunications for a full working day, Cruzio immediately began to build an independent, local, fiber/wireless network.

But growth has been piecemeal, and Cruzio was dissatisfied by the limitations of a standard business plan. So we approached the City of Santa Cruz with the idea of serving the whole city, not just the easiest areas. Building big would provide economies of scale, making it possible to reach places otherwise unaffordable. For example, extending fiber to the Boardwalk area might make it economical to reach Beach Flats. But Cruzio could not do this alone.

So Cruzio went to the City.

At about the same time, the City of Santa Cruz was starting to move forward with recommendations from a 2011 technology task force to develop a Broadband Master Plan (presented to City Council on March 10, 2015).

santa-cruz-city-councilAs construction of our downtown and Westside fiber projects progressed in early 2015, so too did our conversations evolve into an exploration of how to build a gigabit fiber optic network to every parcel in the City.

We worked with the City on a rough design and financial model based on comparable networks in other US cities to get an idea of ballpark costs and see if it made sense to explore further. The City then engaged an Internet network engineering firm to do a high level design for a fiber optic network, and to report on the financial feasibility of such a network.

Over the summer, Cruzio will be surveying the residents and businesses of the City of Santa Cruz, and if the results are favorable, the engineering and construction will begin!

What’s So Big About a Gig?
A gigabit capable digital network means you can move billions of bits of data per second from one place to another. Bits are the ones and zeros, the traffic, being transported over a digital network. Imagine a highway billions of lanes wide.

Most existing telephone or cable company data networks provide megabit service, which measures in the millions of bits per second.

speed-comparison-fiber-dslSo a gigabit network is 100X or more faster than the Internet service you are connected to today. That’s important, even more so as phone, entertainment and news content are migrating to the Net. Not just increased use, but higher quality requires bandwidth.

But Gigabit Internet isn’t just about smoother streaming of movies and TV. This new broadband infrastructure will fuel economic growth, fill empty real estate and take cars off the road by enabling home businesses and telecommuting. Schools, Libraries and Medical facilities will take advantage of the infinitely faster speeds to connect students to teachers, connect communities and transfer medical CAT and MRI scans and genomic data.

There is also the advent of the so-called Internet of Things. While it is true that thermostats and lamps and refrigerators and washers and dryers will be transmitting much smaller packets of data, they will be doing it frequently, and there will be a vast number of “things” connected to this Internet of Things.

“Big Data” and “More Data” will require ever-faster networks.

Why Fiber?
fiber-strandIn many ways, a fiber optic network is “future proof”.

The physical fiber optic cable and conduit are robust, last through decades of use, and are relatively low cost to service and maintain.

Fiber-optic is also unique in that it can effectively carry unlimited amounts of data, as a physical communications channel. It far surpasses the capabilities supported by current local providers. It can scale: the same fiber can carry 1 gigabit or 10 gigabits or 100 gigabits, and so on, to every home or office.

With a gigabit fiber network, the City of Santa Cruz is future-proofing the infrastructure that will support the economy and essential services for many decades.

Why use a Private-Public Partnership?
While the network will generate revenue above costs, unlike a wholly-commercial enterprise a public-private partnership will emphasize universal coverage rather than focusing on commercial profit centers.

Cruzio’s interests align closely with those of the City:

The City itself needs fast, low-cost Internet among its many facilities.

High Speed Internet is good for the economy — both the City and Cruzio are deeply dependent on the local economy.

It seems fair and right to get Internet to all areas of the City, rather than just to elite neighborhoods. Cruzio’s owners and staff are committed to this fairness, as are City leaders.

Fiber optic networks are expensive to build, on the same level as municipal water or sewer systems. Using bonds, well-managed municipalities like the City of Santa Cruz are better able to get very good financing large scale utility projects which run into the tens of millions of dollars.

With the encouragement of City leaders, a high-tech ecosystem has developed with many small startups building businesses locally. The Office of Economic Development recognizes that these, as well as more traditional businesses, need good infrastructure to prosper.

Yet despite this recognition, a highly educated population and proximity to Silicon Valley, Internet in Santa Cruz lags behind most California cities. This makes it a good target for an infrastructure upgrade.
The City has an excellent professional staff overseeing public interest in many relevant areas: Public Works, Finance, Information Technology and Economic Development, to name a few. But the City doesn’t have expertise in initiating, provisioning and supporting service for thousands of users on a digital network, Cruzio does.

As the largest independent ISP in Santa Cruz, with a 25-year history of great service and support, Cruzio is uniquely positioned to operate this network.

Cruzio’s existing backhaul fiber connection saves many months of effort and tens of thousands of dollars in setup and monthly costs. The backhaul can provide low cost bandwidth to feed the entire network and is expandable as needed. Our billing and customer service software is in place, tested, scalable and transferable to the new project. Lease payments for customer connections totaling a million dollars a year, currently going out of our area, could be shifted to pay the City.

Finally, Cruzio already has thousands of Internet users in the City of Santa Cruz who can be moved onto the new city-wide fiber network, providing immediate revenue to service the bond payments and top-notch service for the customers.

What’s Next?
It will take a while for the network to be financed, engineered and built. We need you to go voice your interest so we know where to build the network first.

While you’re waiting for the fiber network to be built, you can take advantage of our other fiber-backed, very high speed broadband services.

Re-Cap: June’s Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup

Every month Cruzio has the opportunity to attend the Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup, hosted by Doug Erickson and company. These fantastic events showcase a collection of different rising entrepreneurs in the county. It is always exciting to see what new work is happening right here in Santa Cruz!


Here’s a recap of the talks and pitches from Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup’s June installment that we had the privilege to attend.

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Happy Friday!

Hi Santa Cruzians!

Happy Friday! Here are some cool things happening in the area this weekend.

1. Santa Cruz Garage Sale is happening May 30th and 31st

Garage Sales

The City of Santa Cruz sponsors Garage Sale Weekend to promote reuse, repair, and resale opportunities in our community. The City of Santa Cruz will publicize the event, encouraging residents to either hold a sale at their home or go garage sale shopping. The spring 2015 Santa Cruz Garage Sale Weekend is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, May 30th and 31st.  Visit a garage sale near you and check out the Garage Sale Treasure Map at sales.

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