9/2 @ 10:30am – Santa Cruz AT&T DSL Outage

As of 10:27am, customers on our AT&T based DSL service are experiencing a localized outage. This affects customers in the greater Santa Cruz area, we have an ETA for service restoration of 1:30pm. We will post any relevant updates as we get them.

UPDATE 1:45pm – All services are confirmed to be up and operational, if you still are without service please turn off your DSL equipment for 5 seconds and then turn it back on. Give it 2-3 minutes to re-sync.

Weston Business Broadband Down – 2/28 at 3:15pm

All Enterprise Business Broadband customers on the Weston POP are currently down. Our technicians are en route to resolve the problem. There is no ETA for restoration of service.

UPDATE: As of 3:40pm service was restored to all Weston Business Broadband customers. We apologize for the downtime and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Weston Wireless outage @ 2014-02-28 3PM

There has been a weather-related power outage with one of the main wireless infrastructure links leading to the Weston neighborhood. Customers with wireless connections in the Weston area are currently experiencing an outage due to this, and our field techs are currently on their way to fix the problem.

We are expecting this to be a simple fix, and for wireless service to be quickly restored.

Thank you for your patience with this.

host7 web domain server down 3:08pm 2/23/14

We are currently experiencing a problem with out web server host7. Out network engineers are currently working to correct the problem. Stand by for updates.

3:30pm – Host 7 is now up and running. All incoming mail during the downtime should be queued up and delivered in a few minutes. Thanks for your patience.

Velocity Can’t Receive Incoming Phone Calls – 2/12 at 12pm

Our customers with Velocity phone service are experiencing a problem where when their Velocity phone number is dialed, a recording states that the number is unallocated. Velocity customers cannot receive incoming phone calls due to this, but they can still make outgoing calls. We are working with our upstream provider to get this resolved. We do not have an ETA on when this will be fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

UPDATE – As of 12:50pm this problem is resolved and Velocity customers should be receiving incoming phone calls again. If this recording still plays when someone attempts to call your Velocity number, please contact Cruzio for further assistance.

Cruzio Call Center Phone Server Down – 2/11 at 10am

The Cruzio Call Center phone server is currently down and we are temporarily unable to take calls from customers at our support number. Our engineers are aware of the problem and working on resolving it as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.

UPDATE – As of 10:50am the phone server is back up and we are able to receive calls from customers at our support number again. We thank you for your patience. Our engineers will continue monitor the situation.